Moses and 1335 Days

One of the “figures” given in the prophecies in the Book of Daniel, is 1335 Days.

Blessed is he who waits and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.

(Daniel 12:12)

Chashmal Numbers

1335 is what is known as a “Chashmal Number”. Chashmal is one of the most mysterious words in the Bible. It occurs in the early part of the Book of Ezekiel. A “Best Estimate” of its meaning could be “Speaking Silence” or “The Sounds of Silence”.

For Christians, the word “Chashmal” is interesting because of the crippled man who had lain beside the pool for 38 years. The “packaging” in the word “Chasmal”, i.e. the First and Last Letters, is 38. The Total value of the word is 9 times 42, or three times 126 as in the 1260 Days which are also mentioned in the prophecies in Daniel’s prophecies.

Remarkably (Vernon Jenkins’ work) 1260 can be generated by laying out sheets of A4 Paper – i.e. photocopy and printing sheets of paper (Metric System measurements).

Chashmal Numbers “turn up” in Jesus’ Hebrew Name, in the dimensions of The Great Pyramid, in the Hebrew Alphabet, in the structure of the 11 Dimensional Matrix that surrounds our 10 Dimensional universe and in some sports – e.g. Cricket, Basketball and Soccer.

1335 is the 30th Chashmal Number.

Joseph (Viceroy of Egypt and son of Jacob) has a 4-Letter Hebrew name. Jesus also has a 4-Letter Hebrew Name (Yeshua). Sometimes Jesus’ Hebrew Name is spelled with an extra letter, a “Heh”, value 5.

Joseph’s “standard” or usual 4-Letter name has the value 156. Just once in the Bible/Tanakh, Joseph’s name is also given an extra “Heh”. This takes its value to 161 rather than its standard 156.bJoseph’s “variant spelling” (with the extra “Heh” is in Psalm 81, verse 6.

Moses Splits The Sea.

When Moses split the Sea, he had the Staff of Adam in his hands. That Staff had the Lower 42 Letter Name and the 72 Triplets engraved on it. Moses was physically “superhuman”. That Staff, engraved by God in Eden, weighed around 300 lbs / 130 Kg. Moses used it like a walking stick! Maybe his mind was as superhuman as his body. Whatever Moses was doing, he was placing his attention on FIVE of the 72 Triplets. These 5 Triplets had the Letters/Numbers 42 (Mem Bet) coded or built into them. The other 5 Letters in those Triplets had the value 30.

Remember that the 1335 (Days) is the 30th Chashmal Number.

The formula for a Chashmal Number above. If we “plug” 30 into that formula, we get:

30 * 30 = 900, and the sum of the numbers 1 to 29 is 435.

900 + 435 = 1335

When Moses was concentrating his mind and attention on those 5 Triplets, and probably on other things engraved on the Staff as well, he had Joseph’s bones at his feet.

Joseph died in he year 2308 HC, 60 years before Moses was born (2368 HC). The Egyptians regarded Joseph as a master magician. They wanted ANYTHING of Joseph’s to use as magic talismans – including his bones. If that sounds gruesome, remember that the Catholic Church has still been “peddling” and taking “relics” of saints in modern times. The relics were usually bones, especially finger bones or parts thereof.

The Israelites did not want that sort of desecration happening to Joseph’s remains. So 140 years after Joseph’s death, Moses took Joseph’s bones with him when the Israelites left Egypt. They had hidden Joseph’s bones in the River – where the Egyptians could not find them.

So now, as Moses splits the sea, he has engraved before him, the 42 Letter Name (value 3701) and the 72 Triplets (value 9143). The collective value of those 86 Triplets is:

3701 + 9143 = 12,844.That total, is exactly 156 short of 13,000. Remember 13 is Ehad, Unity, in Hebrew.

Now “add in Moses, whose name (Moshe) has the value 345.

And then add in that extra “honorary” 5 (Heh) in Joseph’s name:

13000 + 345 + 5 = 13350

The “links” between Chashmal Numbers , Joseph, the 30 (Judah) and then Daniel’s prophecy, make it VERY unlikely that this is all “coincidence”

1335 vs 13350
No Coincidence !