“Jesus Christ”, The United States & The 72 Triplets’ Top Row

In several previous posts we have looked at the values built into the 72 Triplets. The overall total value of the 72 Triplets is 9143. That total is “split” into 1143 in the First Row, and exactly 8,000 across the next 8 Rows of 8 Triplets each. Yes, that IS a perfect 8 by 8 Square with a total value of exactly 8,000.

But now, we are going to focus on the First Row, value 1143. That 1143 value is 3 times 381 or 9 times 127. In turn, 127 is Sarah’s age/lifespan, and the 127 Provinces ruled from ancient Babylon.

(Sarah’s “name value” , 505, “turns up” in the “Secret Pathway” of 888 and in the total values of the positions and “content” of the 5 Triplets where Moses put his attention as he split the Sea.

These Triplets were Triplets 14, 55, 61, 65 and 70. Those numbers sum to 265. Their values, 5 times 42 plus 30 (Judah again, and the 30th Chashmal Number (previous post)), is 240.

265 + 240 = 505

127 is also the 31st Prime Number. Abraham’s name “value” is 8 times 31. Maybe the 8 times (8 by 31) and the 9 times (9 times 127) are related to the 8 by 9 structure of the array of the 72 Triplets?.

Now Let us Look at the Right vs Left split in that top Row.

The Left Four Triplets have a total value of 857.

The Right Four Triplets have the value 286.

The “position numbers” sum to

5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 26 (Left)
1 + 2 + 3 4 = 10 (Right)

These totals 10 and 26 represent the First Letter and Total Value of God’s 4 Letter Name. They are also the ONLY numbers of Dimensions in which the equations for Relativity and Quantum Mechanics BOTH “jive”.

God’s Sacred 4-Letter Name
1st Letter Yod value 10
Name value 26

The values of the Triplets when added to the position values come out as 857 + 26 = 883, which is the 153rd Prime, and 286 + 10 = 296.

296 is the value of “The Earth (H’aretz in Genesis-Hebrew). 153 is 9 times “tov” (GOOD in Hebrew), and Moses’ “Age of the Universe” of 15.3 Billion years, more recognisable to Christians as Jesus 153 Large Fish at the end of John’s Gospel.

The Founding of the United States

The “Founding Fathers” of The United States chose the 4th July date to match the structure built into Genesis 1:1, the “One Verse” or “Uni-Verse”. The split 0f 4-7 in the 11 Letters is described on this site.

The Founding Fathers were “Torah literate” — or at least some of them were. They were also Christian. They chose the Day and the Month on which to declare Independence because of the 4-7 “structure” in the start of the Torah.

But they chose the year, 1776, based on Jesus’ Greek Name, value 888. Yes, that is the Chinese “lucky 888”. It is also 8 times Aleph spelled out, which in turn is the same spelling for the word Eleph, meaning a thousand.

We are looking at that 8000 “Block” in the 72 Triplets, again. We are also looking at Resurrection on the 8th Day, at the Binah “hyperspace”, the 8th Sephirah if we start climbing up from “our” one, Malcuth or Kingdom. (“our one in that it is the one clossest to our dimension.)

The “Founding Fathers” wanted a “Double Whammy” perhaps. Or maybe they were constrained to chose a date just by the times they lived in. But the result was

2 * 888 = 1776

The amount of “Spiritual Technology” built into the founding of the USA is mind-boggling. Ever wonder why the USA has been so successful? This is part of the answer. Also, putting “In God we trust” on the currency has a correlation with the financial success. A

nd there is more to come:

Jesus’ Hebrew Names Yeshua and YahShua have the values 386 and 391. The 386 “version” is the one used in the Aramaic “Peshitta” New Testament. It is composed of two Chashmal Numbers (we are back to them again). It is also a combination of 288 and 98.

If you do not spot it at first, those numbers are twice the squares of two numbers, 12 and 7.

Remember 12 Baskets and 7 Large Baskets. Yup, Jesus’ miracles ! 12 imple Letters and 7 Double Letters in the Hebrew Alphabet. 12 Diagonal paths, and 7 Vertical Paths in the Tree of the Sephiroth, 12 Constellations and 7 moving visible objects in the sky. 12 Apostles and 7 Deacons. 12 Tribes and 7 Lights on the menorah. 12 Edges on a Cube with 6 Faces and a Centre. Remember the woman losing blood for 12 years, the 12 year old girl, daughter of Light, surrounded by Mum, Dad, Jesus, Peter, James and John. Six around 1 again.

But wait! There is more! The Biblical Lunar calendar is 19 years long. 12 years of 12 months, and 7 Years of 13 months.

And then there is the Periodic Table. All the row lengths (82, 8, 18, 32) which are the shell “sizes” inside the Atom, use that same Double of a square number formula — same formula as Jesus’ Hebrew Name Yeshua, value 386.

So GUESS WHAT the English/Masonic code “Gematria” vale is of the word STATES?

90 + 100 + 1 + 100 + 5 + 90 = 386
(Same as Yeshua
= Jesus‘ Hebrew Name)

Yeshua – value 386

UNITED as in “United States”

Now have a look at the word “United” decoded into numbers via the Masonic/Agrippa code, which is the same code that is used on The Great Seal of The United States:

UNITED becomes/is
200 40 9 100 5 4
Those numbers total 358

358 is the value of the Hebrew Word Moshiah or Meshiah. In English that is

Messiah or Christ

The name “United States” means (mathematically) or is equivalent to, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Messiah

That 857 in Row One of The Triplets

But it is not over yet, folks! The English word “The” translated into numbers, has the value 100 + 8 + 5 = 113.

So we have:

United States = 386 + 358 = 744

We saw the 744 as one of the numbers that “popped out” when we grouped the 72 Triplets in 8 Groups of 9.

The name “The United States” thus becomes

13 + 744 = 857.

857 is the 148th Prime Number, a symbolic representation of 1480, the New Testament value of the Name/Title Christos (in Greek)

The name “The United States” is VERY MUCH about Jesus being the Messiah, and about the 72 Triplets. The “other half” of that first Row, has the value 286, i.e. 26 times 11. It is about God (26) through the 11 Dimensional Matrix that surrounds our 10 Dimensional Universe. (Above graphic showing the gematria for Jesus Christ in Greek is from Vernon Jenkins).

The name “THE UNITED STATES” is thus a link between Eden (Moses’s Staff) and the 72 Triplets engraved on it, to a “declaration” that Jesus is Messiah, is Divine and is/was the agent of Creation, the “Logos” or Word of God, incarnated as a human. And all that is tied into hyper dimensional physics and the structure of The Periodic Table of The Elements. Pretty good for the name of ONE Country!

However bad “The Swamp” became, a heritage like that means that “The Swamp” WILL GET CLEANED OUT !