Coincidence or otherwise:
There are 1189 chapters in the “standard” Protestant Bible. (The Catholic version has some extra books and extra chapters.)
The numbers below are the “standard” Masonic code for the value of letters in the European/English/Roman alphabet, as athey occur in the name of the current US President, Donald J. Trump. This is the same alphabetic code as is used on The Great Seal of The United States.
Donald J. Trump
Letter values
(4 50 40 1 20 4) (600) (100 80 200 30 60)
Those values give us 119 for “Donald”, 600 for “J” and 470 for “Trump”. Those numbers sum to 1189.
119 + 600 + 470 = 1189
So, the value of the President’s name matches the chapters in the Bible. But it is not over yet, folks !
The 600 + 119 is 719, the he value of the word “Arche” or “Archai” used for “Beginning” at the start of John’s Gospel. That is te verse about the Exponential variable, the base for the Natural Logarithm, and “The Word” being God. That exponential function is unique because it is a function whose “Differential” (Differential Calculus) is itself. In other words, the mathematics says what the text says, i.e. that the word of God is God. or more accurately, that God is The Word.
The length of the diagonal edges of The Great Pyramid slope upwards at 42 degrees. The length of the diagonal base below them is 233 Cubits, a representation of The Treee of Life, value 233 (Etz Ha’Haim). The length of those diagonals is just over 719 feet.

The Differential of the Exponential Function is itself. “The Donald”, The Word of God, The Great Pyramid, The 42 Letter Name and Jesus’ 42 Generations all wrapped up together.
But wait, there’s more:
The distance up the centre of the faces of The Great Pyramid is 612 feet. The value of the word Covenant in Hebrew (and in The Bible) is 612. The 719 foot diagonals are 107 more than 612 feet in length. The sum of all the numbers up to 107 is 5778,. 5778 HC is equivalent to 2018 or 2019 AD, i.e. on the western calendar.
600 + 470 = 1070
In other words, the “numbers” are pointing to a special time in History, a link to Abraham’s “Covenant Between The Parts” (Genesis Chapter 15) in 2018 HC, when Abraham was 70 years old. Abraham was born in the year 1948 HC. This is one of the reasons Israel was founded (i.e. the modern state of Israel) in 1948 D. Even though the Jews don’t want to use the “AD” in the date, they still matched the dates/years, i.e. the 1948.
470 is the value of God’s first recorded “statement”, in Genesis 1:3:
Let there be Light and Let there be Light
(This translation is every bit as valid, perhaps more so, as the standard English translation “. . . . and there was Light”.
The 1189 looks like a “Christian-Protestant” connection. But it is also in The 42 Letter Name, in the values of the Left Side of Rows 1, 2 and 3.. That is Triplets, 2, 4 and 6:
500 + 359 + 330 = 1189