The Shema and The 5280 Feet in a Mile

There are 5280 eet (1760 Yards) in a Mile. These distances (Miles, Cubits of 17.6″) are built around Biblical Knowledge and on the size of the Earth. That is NOT the size of the modern Earth, but of the ancient Earth.

yes, long story, BUT . . . . the Earth has changed size since humans have been on it. Our Kilometre is based on the size of the modern Earth. Our Mile of 5280 feet or 1760 yards, is based on the size of the ancient Earth, on an Earth that was once smaller than it now is.

In recent posts we have seen how two sections of The Shema were mde up of 126 Words, i.e. 3 times 42 (words).

Yet another combination of 176 Words in The Shema is related to the Mile’s 1760 Yards and the Cubit in Moses’ and Solomon’s Tabernacle/Temple(s),

The total number of Words in the Shema, is related to the 248 main components of the E-8 Lie Group. That “Group” (as in “Group and Set Theory”) is the theoretical model for the 248 sub atomic Fundamental Particles.

these different “groupings” in the Shema “interconnect”. The 126 Words in Deuteronomy 6 (54 Words, including the “extra” line of the “Baruk”, and 72 Words from Numbers 15 (including the three extra words) have 229 and 299 Letters.

229 + 299 = 528

This 528 (3 * 176) is tied to the 5280 Feet and 1760 Yards in The Mile.

E-8 Lie Group
248 Words in The Shema
248 Fundamental Particles
Abraham = 248