Six 9’s Sequence In The First 1000 Digits of “Pi”

The first thousand digits of “Pi” are shown below. Look at the 5th Row from the bottom, and “scan” to the right. You will see a sequence of six 9’s, preceded by a 4. You will see

49999998 . . . . .

That sequence of 6 9’s is connected with all of which have a value of 126, i.e. 9 times 14. Remember 14 is the Central Cube within the Magic Cube of 14. It is also “David” and the “Christianity Fish Symbol”.

Note that 6 times 9 is 54.

6 * 9 = 54

That is the “same 54” that turns up as the 54 Lights in The Grand Gallery of The Great Pyramid, and as the “Extra bit” tacked onto the Square Root calculations on the 72 Triplets. That same “54” is a factor in the 108 “Gongs” on Asian Lunar New Year celebrations, and in the 2160 Mile Diameter of our Moon. It is the same 54 as the 54 “Sections” of Moses’ Torah (Pentateuch, Five Books of Moses).The sequence of 6 9’s is part of a “longer sequence:

. . . .99999983729 . . . .

729 is the value of the 2nd Row of the 42 Letter Name. It is 9 * 9 * * 9

9 * 9 * 9 = 729

Remember that Modulus 9 (“Small Gematria”) values of the 42 Letter Name generate the 173 “Keys to Heaven” that Moses was given. Also, note that 9 times 173 is 1557, which is the value of the 10 “Component Letters” (or “Original Letters”) in Hebrew. These component letters are “built into the numbering of the Israelites at Mt. Sinai (600,000) and the number of letters in The Torah (304,805). In other words, the “Component Letters” are “God Given” in origin. They are not ” just man made” analysis of the shape of the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet.

9 * 173 = 1557

Ten Original or Component Letters

Values 4 6 7 10 50 and 20 60 200 500 700
Right “Hand” 77, Left “Hand” 1480
Jesus has 77 Generations (Luke;s Gospel)
Christos (Greek) = 1480

The “9 Gods of ancient Egypt” are probably a distant “spin off” of the 9’s that have Biblical/Tora significance. One of the reasons we have 360 degrees in a circle and 3600 cubits to a mile is that 360 (and 3600) are so easily divisible by 2, 4, 5, 9, 3 and 10.

Note also that the sum of the numbers or digits in the sequence “leading up to” the start of the 729 is 72 (i.e. up to the 7):

999999837 . . . .
9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 8 + 3 + 7 = 72

The 72 Triplets again! And in a sense the 5 of those 72 Triplets that Moses used when he split the Sea, i.e. the 5 Triplets that contan the Letters Mem Bet, i.e. 42. Remember that 5 times 42 is 210, the height in “Sacred Cubits” of the Great Pyramid (481 Feet 3 Inches or 210 by 27.5″).

5 by 72 degrees is 360 degrees. Why are there 5 “Ball and Soket Hinges/Joints” under the Great Pyramid when 4 would have been “symmetrical”??