Mind-Boggling Precision in The Square Roots of The 72 Triplets

back in Eden (The proverbial “Garden of Eden”) God presented Adam with aspecial clothes befitting Adam’s role as High Priest of Humanity. God also presented Adam with a 300 lb (140 Kg) “Staff” made of blue Sapphire on which, or into which, God had engraved some Letters.

Moses ended up with that Staff (long story), which he used when he “split the Sea. 336 of those Letters form the 72 Triplets. Those 336 Letters are recorded (in a slightly different order) in Exodus 14, verses 19-21.

Those 72 Triplets were/are arranged in 9 Rows of 8 Columns. Each Letter (Hebrew Letters) has a numeric value. So each of the 72 Triplets and each of the 9 Rows has a numeric value.

When we take the Square Roots of those 72 Triplets, and of the total value of each of those 9 Rows, we find that:

The total value of the 72 Square Roots is 720.0349 The total value of the 9 Square Roots (9 Rows) is 280.01882

Accurate to 3 decimal places, those numbers total:

This is MIND BOGGLING precision. We are looking, once again, at the 1000 Cubic Cubit Volume of Moses’ Holy of Holies, and at the 27 Pairs of Lights (54 Lights) of The Grand Gallery in The Great Pyramid.

These are the 54 “Sections” (Parashot) of the Torah, and the 27 Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet and of The Magic Cube of 42 at the Heart of Creation.

The “1000” points at Moses’ Holy of Holies (10 by 10 by 10), and at The 1000 Letters in The Shema (when we treat God’s Name as ONE” as per the first line of The Shema. This, in turn, leads us straight to the story of Jairus’ daughter, and “Jesus’ Cube in Galile”,.

The 54 (the .054 decimal tacked onto the Square Roots) points at the 54 “Sections” (Parashot) of The Torah, and the 54 Lights in The Grand Gallery – which are/were arranged in 27 pairs. Those 27 pairs match the 27 small Cubes in The Magic Cube of 42, and the 27 Letters of The Hebrew Alphabet.