The number 1820 (cf. previous post) is a Chashmal Number. It is part of the “Divine Matrix” that encloses our 10-Dimensional Universe.
As per the graphic below, the “1820” is part of the Census numbers from when the Hebrews/Israelites were in the desert after escaping from Egypt. There were two census’s (censi ??) taken while the Israelites were in the desert. The numbers or “counts” are stunning when you are aware of 1820 being a Chashmal Number connected with The Great Pyramid, with The Magic Cube of 42, with the 35th verse of the Torah, with the 112 Triplets and with the Land of Goshen.
Graphic from
The graphic shows that the numbers in the tribes varied from one census to the other. We would expect that to happen. So no surprise about that.
BUT . . . . .
The overall change from one census to the other is exactly 1820.
SIX of the tribes, or more accurately, the changes in the numbers for six out of twelve tribes, account EXACTLY for the 1820 difference.
(In other words, the changes in the census counts for the other six tribes “balance each other out”.
And LAST BUT NOT LEAST, the value of the names of the six tribes who have the 1820 difference, is (Wait for it ! ! . . .) 1820.
The planning or “coordination that went into this is stunning. It goes back centuries at least. And if you factor in the Creation /Magic Cube of 42 etc links, it goes back to BEFORE CREATION.