The value of the Hebrew word Chashmal is (as per previous posts) is 378. This number, 378 is the sum of all the numbers from 1 to 27. These 27 numbers are the “Binah level” values of the 27 Hebrew letters, in “Binah Hyperspace”, 8 dimensions above the level of Malcuth. (We can regard Malcuth as “our level” OR as the spiritual level closest to our level. Malcuth is the KINGDOM in Jesus’ prayer:
Thy Kingdom Come . . . .
Binah (Understanding) is on the left hand side (top) position in the Tree of The Sephiroth (graphic below):
Counting your way up from the bottom, and going Left (Female side of the Tree before the Male-Right side), Binah is the 8th of the 10 Sephiroth. Binah is “verbal” and Female. It is part of the reason, a BIG PART of the reason, that women talk more than men. If you are a Cricket fan, the THREE Sephiroth on the Left side, and the THREE on the Right side, are the STUMPS on a Cricket pitch. Yes, Cricket is based on Genesis, Creation etc. Jesus’ prayer, the “Our Father” or “Lord’s Prayer” is in a sense, a tour of a Cricket Pitch.
Those 27 Letters/Numbers are the components of The Magic Cube of 42.
27 Smaller Cubes Make One Larger Cube
27 Hebrew Letters One for Each Small Cube
Genesis 1:1 Creation of the Uni-Verse (One Verse)
The value of the verse is 2701.
27 Smaller Cubes and 1 Larger Cube . . .
In alphabetical order, the 27 Letters have a “Trinary Code” configuration. Rearranged, the letters can be “positioned” to form The Magic Cube of 42, where the faces all have the value 126, where the 8 corners have a total value of 112, and where every Row and Column sums to 42. Within the Cube, there are repeated “Star of David patterns”. The central “hidden cube” is the number 14. In “our” dimension, that 14 becomes the Fish, value 50, associated with Binah, used as the Christian symbol by the early Christians. Spelled out, the 50 of the Fish(“Nun”) ecomes 756, the BAse Length of The Great Pyramid at Giza.
The Magic Cube of 42 At The Heart of Creation
MORE FAMILIAR IN OUR DIMENSION The 27 Letters Still in a CUBE but in Alphabetical Order
Chashmal – “Word Value” 378 (8, 300, 40 & 30)
“38” Wrapped” around “Shem” (Name)