The Fibonacci Code in The 72 Triplets

The Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci Sequence (Series) is OEIS Sequence A000045 (Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences ).

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229, 832040, 1346269, 2178309, 3524578, 5702887, 9227465, 14930352, 24157817, 39088169, 63245986, 102334155

The 19th number in the sequence is 2584

In an earlier Post, we looked at grouping the 72 Triplets in groups of 9 (and 18) rather than in the “standard” 8 Columns and 9 Rows. When we did this, the 3rd set o 18 Triplets, i.e. Triplets 37 to 54, have the value 2584, i.e. one of the Fibonacci Numbers. This is the 19th Fibonacci Number as we just saw (above).

That one occurence of 2584 might be written off as just coincidence. But it is “in there” a second time.

The value of Triplets 19 to 32 (only 14 Triplets this time, unlike the 18 Triplets we just saw from Triplet #37 to Triplet #54), is ALSO 2584.

This is Fibonacci Number 19. It is coded into the 72 Triplets TWICE. The Fibonacci Numbers “converge” on The Golden Ratio (known as “Phi”),

The two 19’s add to 38. Is there a link to the Pool of Bethesda, laid out as a Pentagon, a shape which “generates” the Golden Ratio??

Is there a link to Eve? Her name in Hebrew has the value 19.

Is there a link to Jesus? His Hebrew Name (Yeshua) is a function of 7 and 12, which add to 19.

Pool of Bethesda 5 Colonnades
Golden Ratio and 72 Degrees “Built In”

And in a sense, the 2584 is “coded into the 72 Triplets MORE THAN TWICE.

If we look at Triplets 19 to 36, we have a ttal value for those 18 Triplets of 2871.

Now, if we look at Triplets 33 to 36 we have a value of 287 (24, 43, 126 and 94). But, ALSO, when we look at Triplets 19 to 22, we AAGAIN have a value of 287 (42, 115, 100 and 30).

That means that we have the Group of Triplets, 23-32 having the value 2297, “book-ended by Triplets with the value 287 at BOTH ENDS.

So the 2584 is built into Triplets 19-36 TWICE, and Once MORE in Triplets 37-4.

That means that effectively, God created that “2584” into the 72 Triplets THREE TIMES.

As we will see in a Future Post-Article, Jesus named Simon Peter sin such a way that Peter’s Three names (Simon Peter Cephas) came out at that same 2584.

In tis Post (above) we have counted the 2584 as the 19th Fibonacci Number. Some people ignore the initial “0” in the Fibonacci Series, making the 2584 the 18th rather than the 19th Number in the Series.

In a system of 72 Triplets, and of the Golden Ratioo with its links to the Square Root of 5, to 72 Degrees (one Fifth of 360 Degrees) and to the Pentagon shaped Pool of Bethesda, the “18” may be just as valid as the “19”.

Pentagon Shape Pool of Bethesda The Intersection of The Diagonals Gives US The Golden Ratio (“Phi” That God Built Into Genesis, into the Staff He engraved for Adam, and Jesus Built Into Simon Peter’s Names

FIVE of The 72 Triplets Have Links (Direct Links) to The 42 Letter Name FIVE Ball-Socket Joints Under The Great Pyramid
Five Sided Pool at Bethesda
Square Root of 5 In “Phi”
Phi and Pi Coded into The 42 Letter Name
Bethesda Naval Hospital, James Forrestal, JFK and Aliens – All Linked
Moses Used These 5 Triplets When He Split The Sea