7770: Peter, James & John at The Transfiguration

We saw in the previous Post/Article, that there was a link between Peter, James & John with the number 777, and the 7 Alephs of Genesis 1:1. Those 7 Alephs, when “spelled out”, have a value of 777.

Now we will see yet another, but bigger connection between the three apostles and a “much bigger” 777, i.e. ten times 777. This time, the three apostles are a part of that 77770, rather than being “all of” the 777.

Jesus’ Transfiguration

There were Six humans at Jesus’ Transfiguration. Five of them had a body, and one, Moses, did not. Moses had “famously” died on Mt. Nebo, and was prevented, for now, from physically walking into “The Promised Land”. The reasons for his death are one of the greatest lessons in history.

Moses, long suffering and ultra patient Moses, had finally been pushed to breaking point by his whingeing, complaining and almost “impossible” Hebrew “charges”. Moses finally “spat the proverbial dummy” at the people God had “lumbered him with”, the people whom he had gotten out of Egypt, whom he had gotten through the Sea, whom he had made wealthy by wiping out the Egyptians who had exploited the Hebrews. Moses got them out of Egypt loaded with Egyptian gold. Then he drowned them. This was the “ultimate” in debt cancellation. God made it clear that it was Moses who split the Sea, not God.

All that wealth should have made the Hebrews very grateful to Moses. As we all know, they ARE noted for having an affinity with the $. But they had turned on Moses, again and again. So he did his “dummy spit” at them. God had told him to “speak to the rock” and thus to bring the water out of it. But Moses, more than justifiably angry with the people who had turned on him yet again, swung that 300 lb Staff like it was a hammer, straight into the rock. He was THAT angry! The water came out.

But Moses had not “demonstrated the power of words” as he was supposed to. So God “locked him out” of Israel until the time of the Second Coming of Jesus. Then, and only then, does Moses get to physically resurrect, along with the people who had given him such “hell” for 40 years in the desert. They then get to follow Moses across the Jordan River into Israel, just as they were meant to, around 3300 years ago.

So Moses was there “in Spirit” with Jesus and Elijah at Jesus’ Transfiguration. Moses’ body was still (as now) hidden and protected from Satan on Mt. Nebo. But Moses was, very much, “there” with Jesus, Elijah and the three apostles.

Greek Names at The Transfiguration

As we have covered in recent Posts, Jesus “gave”/used Greek names for the three apostles, Peter, James and John. (These three apostles were not unique in having Greek names recorded in the Greek Versions of the New Testament. But, as we have already began to see, Jesus did some “special stuff” with the names of the three whom He took with Him to Mt. Hermon, to Gethsemane, and earlier, to Jairus’ home.)

No real surprise, but Moses and Elijah also “scored” Greek names, or Greek versions of their names, in the story of the Transfiguration. And, as mentioned numerous times already on the website, Jesus has very special Greek Names, both as Ιησους and Ιησους Χριστος.

Let’s look at Moses’ and Elijah’s Greek Names:

Since Jesus at the Transfiguration was apparently “super human” or at least “glowing with Light”, we will “count the value of His Name(s) as the value of “Jesus Christ, but, as with Moses, Elijah and the three apostles, we will use Jesus’ Greek Name(s):

So, for Jesus, Moses and Elijah, we have name values of 2368, 1648 and 249

Those sumbers sum to 4165

2368 + 1648 + 249 = 4165

Simon, James and John

The three apostles, “Peter”, James and John, were very much in “spectator mode” at the Transfiguration. They wanted st stay, but they were observers rather than participants in, the conversation between Moses, Jesus, and Elijah. That conversation was about what Jesus was about to accomplish in Jerusalem, through His suffering and death. Jesus was about to open up the Cube of the Holy of Holies. His blood was going to land on the “lid” of The Ark of The Covenant. The glowing light between the two Cherubs on the lid of the Ark, was where the portal to Eden was. It was the portal, guarded by two Cherubs, through which humanity had passed when Adam and Eve were excluded from Eden. Jesus was about to open up the “way back”.

Humanity lost access to 5 of the 10 Dimensions (Sefirot) of our 10-Dimensional Universe when we were “expelled”. That is part of the reason there are 5 Commandments on One Stone, and 5 Commandments on the other Stone. Those two Stone Tablets were inside the Ark which was hidden in a cave below where Jesus’ cross would be “planted”. The earthquake was going to split the rock, opening a crack for His Blood to run down onto the Lid. The Crack in the rock is still there today, now hidden under the dirt at the back of the Arab Bus Station a bit north of the walls of The Old City in Jerusalem.

The Blood would run down the Cross and into the Crack after Jesus’ Heart was split by the Roman soldier. The Hebrew word for Heart is Lev, value 32. It is where we get the English word Love, and the German word Leibe.

The Tree of the Sephiroth has 32 components. Elijah, Jesus and Moses represent the Three Horizontal lines/paths in that Tree.

Since the Three Apostles were “observers”, we will (yes it is an “arbitrary” decision) just use their “basic” Hebrew names as they are transliterated or converted into Greek. That means we will skip “The Sons of Rage” “thing, and we will leave out the “Cephas” for Peter. Since Peter’s real or original name was/is Simo (And Jesus “gave him the extra name Peter), we will stick with the “Simon” part of Simon Peter”.

The “Simon part” of Peter’s three names (Simon Peter Cephas) is 1100. We will “go with” just the 1100 for Simon, sticking with just the Greek version of Peter’s original “birth name”, i.e. Simon (or Shimon in a Hebrew accent-pronunciation).

No “bonus” “Sons of Thunder” title for James when he was watching the Transfiguration. For our “count” up there on Mt. Heron, James gets counted as just 1103

Same as for his brother James, we are going to “count” John’s name using his Greek name without any frills or extra honorary titles. So we count John just as 1119

So then the value of the names of the Three Apostles is:

1100 + 1103 + 1119 = 3322

Remember that we are talking about CUBES here. A CUBE has 6 Faces. We have 6 men here at the Transfiguration. There are 6 Gates to the Temple, laid out on a 2-D Ground Plan. So there are TWO sets of 3 Gates, one Outer, One Inner. What is being represented here is a CUBE with 6 Faces. Inside that Cube is the Temple. And inside the Temple is yet another Cube, i.e. the Holy of Holies. The entrance to the Temple is 6 Cubits by 7 Cubits. We are “talking” The 42 Letter Name here.

The 6 sets of Gates each have 6 Guard Houses. They are positioned as shown in the diagram above and NOT as shown in Christian Bibles and literature. The “Guard Houses” are positioned in staright lines running AWAY FROM (not parallel to) the entrances. These “guard houses” are collection points for the Divine Energy flowing from the Temple via the 42 Letter Name. The 6 Gates represent Rows 2-7 of the 42 Letter Name.

The 42 Letter Name (Above Graphic
and more stylish version Below)

So, our 6 Names around the Cube, Elijah, Jesus, Moses, Simon, James and John are 249, 2368, 1648, 100, 1103 and 1119

“Rubik’s Cube: “Shades” of The Magic Cube of 42, of The Hebrew Alphabet’s 27 Letters, and of the Temple/Holy of Holies

249 + 2368 + 1648 + 1100 + 1103 + 1119 = 7587

But there was someone else therenthat day on Mt. Hermon. The voice of God spoke about Jesus.

What does the Shema say, in its opening line, about God. It says that God is ONE (1). So if we add 1 to 7787, we have 7788, 11 times the value of the Upper 42 Letter Name, which is represented in the first line of the Shema, verse Deuteronomy 6:4. The letters 4 to 25, i.e. the final 22 Letters, have the value 708. The first 3 Letters, Shin-Mem-Ayin, i.e. the word Shema, are one of the Triplets in the 112 Triplets that “orbit” the Magic Cube of 42.

The Letters Shin, Mem and Ayin are the first letters in the names of Shadrak, Mishak and Abednego, the three young men in Babylon wh were thrown into the fiery furnace after the pint sized king chucked a monumental “dummy spit” when they would not worship his gold statue.

The Upper 42 Letter Name, value 708

11 * 708 = 7788

We live in a 10-D Universe. It sits in an 11-D Matrix. The square of the numbers from 1 to 11, is equal to 506, the first line of the Lower 42 Letter Name. Remember the Temple and the Cube above with 6 gates to collect the energy in Rows 2-7 of the 42 Letter Name? Row 1 has the value 506. It is either in, or at the entrance/exit from the Temple.

And what is inside the Cube that is inside the Temple that is inside the 506? The Portal to the Garden of Eden, guarded by two Cherubs.

So what MIGHT have been there too on Mt Hermon?? (And Yes, this is speculation, but it is educated speculation.) Where was God when God spoke? Did God still have at least “one foot” in Eden as Moses and Elijah discussed wih Jesus how He was going to open the way back into the Garden of Eden??

So waht is the value of “The Garden of Eden”, not in Greek, but in the Hebrew with which God created it and described it in Genesis?

H‘Gan Yden” (The Garden of Eden) = 182

If God (Unity or 1) was there in the Garden of Eden, then we have 7587 + 183, or 7588 + 182

7588 + 182 = 7770 Is it just “coincidence” or sleigt of hand in juggling the numbers?

Did Jesus intend all of this when He named His Apostles?? We can only come up with a maybe on that, but it is a CUTE maybe!

Can we justify using Hebrew at the centre of the Cube and having it “radiate out” into Greek, which uses an alphabet closely descended from Hebrew?

Can we justify adding Chai or Life, value 18, to give us the 7770 + 18 = 7788 that we saw above??

Or do we leave the Heh off H’Gan Yden, and add that to Life (Chai = 18) to get 23, Evee’s name before she “lost it all” via her “fling” with a reptilian?

Note that the Transfiguration happened on Mt. Hermon. That is where the ETs visited, the ones who supposedly visited Mt. Olympus.

The Mt. Olympus story is the Mt. Hermon story. It is just that the Greeks moved the story to Mt. Olympus so that they could claim the “Greek Gods” as their own, “officially”. The Greek Gods sound a whole lot better looking than Eve’s reptile Draco. But those Greek Gods “happened” on Mt. Hermon.

That is why the messenger from the mountain, (Mt. Hermon) is called HERMES.
Er, Duh !!

Peter, James and John really do have 777 built into the names Jesus gave them. The “speculation” above, suggests that their “777” is part of a bigger story, a story that goes back to The Garden of Eden, and on to the Temple Mount, something that is still a “flash point” in modern politics.