The Wedding Feast in Cana & The Transfiguration

The stories of the Changing of The Water into Wine at the Wedding in Cana, and of The Transfiguration, are Linked,

BOTH stories are about “The Cube” of Creation. A Cube has SIX FACES. Upon on Mt. Hermon, those 6 Faces were represented by Elijah, Jesus Christ (Double Name), Moses, James, Simon Peter (Double Name again!), and James.

Three of those humans were in an elevated dimension, discussing what Jesus was about to accomplish in Jerusalem – opening up the Cube and the portal back into Eden, and the portal through which the Ruach HaQodesh (Holy Spirit) would come through on Pentecost. The portal was in Jerusalem. This is why Jesus told His disciples to wait there after He left.

The other three men on Mt. Hermon for the Transfiguration were observers, not participants in the conversation.

So at Cana, at the Wedding celebrations, there were SIX stone vessels holding the Water that would become Wine. The 6 Vessels were not all the same size. Some held THREE measures, some held TWO measures. But the Cana Wedding story does not tell us how many vessels held 3, and how many held 2. That information is in the Transfiguration story, the CUBE STORY in which the 6 FACES are divided into 2 Groups of 3 and 3.

The three “full humans” who were on Mt. Hermon were going to be transformed by what Jesus did. That was true of the two who would die in the first century (James and Peter), and of John who is still alive, who is “schduled” to die around the time of Jesus’ Second Coming.

Jesus was going to be transformed by what He would do in Jerusalem, rising from the grave as the 42d Generation in Matthew’s genealogy. (He was born as the 41st, not as the 42nd.) That is part of the “hidden message in Jesus’ geneaology, where Matthew says that there are 42 generations, but only puts in 41 generations to, or including, Jesus’ birth as a baby.

Jesus “called” Matthew on the day He raised Jairus’ daughter, the 12 year old Daughter of Light, from the Dead. That day was about a Cube, a Cube which like all Cubes, has 12 Edges, 6 Faces and a Centre.

Matthew was writing about the Magic Cube of 42. Jesus was talking about the Draco Serpent, the Constellation Draco that coils around the 12 Constellations of our Universe (Space) and Time (12 months).

Cube: 12 Edges, 6 Faces
6 Water Vessels at Cana Wedding Feast

12 Months, 12 Years, 12 Constellations 6 Faces and a Centre 12 Baskets 7 Large Baskets

Jesus called her Talitha, “Little Miss Teli” trapped in the arms/clutches of the Teli (Draco) who got Eve in his clutches

The daughter of Light (Jairus’ daughter) escaped from The Teli and back into Life and Light.

Jesus who transformed with Light on Mt Hermon, rose from the Dead full of Light, a genuine “Fibre Optic Human” whose blood vessels no longer carried blood but Light. This is why He described Himself NOT as “Flesh and Blood”, but as “FLESH AND BONE”

What Jesus would do in the Jerusalem-Mt. Moriah CUBE would change both Moses (who had died) and Elijah (who had entered Heaven alive).

ALL SIX Vessels had water in them. The Water in ALL ^ was changed to Wine, no matter what their measure or position was. Jesus work impacted ALL humans, dead, alive, in Heaven. on Earth, or in Space, Past, Present and Future.

Cana in Greek has the value 72. The stories are about the Cube(s) and the 72 Triplets. The 72 Triplets have a Block of value 80000 excatly. This is the volume of the Holy of Holies in Solomon’s (and Herod’s) Temple, 20 by 20 by 20.

20 * 20 * 20 = 8000
Volume Holy of Holies Cube = 8000
Block of 8000 in 72 Triplets (BGraphic elow)

72 Triplets, total value 9143, 1143 in Top Row,
8000 in Rows 2–9

Eve was separated from Adam (after he learned of her adultery with the Reptilian “ET” “Draco”, for 130 years. Their descendants talked them into a reconciliation. Adam died 800 years later. So Eve “got” 800 years with Adam — there is a link to the 8000 volume of the Holy of Holies’ Cube in Solomon’s Temple (and in Herod’s Temple, which Jesus taught in, and where the woman caught in adultery was brought to Him).

Jesus told the Woman to sin no more, to leave her life of sin. He was Dead, opening up the Cube and the Portal to Eden, just days later.
