The Gospel stories of the Wedding Feast in Cana, of the Raising of Jairus’ Daughter (and the (associated) story of the Woman with the Issue of Blood, and of the Transfiguration, are ALL linked.
They are all about a CUBE.
Which CUBE??
They are centred on what we call or “know as” THE MAGIC CUBE of 42. That Magic Cube consists of 27 Hebrew Letters/Numbers arrayed as a 3 by 3 by 3 CUBE. They exist at on or in a Higher Dimension than the world of Time and Space that we know. In that Higher Hyperspace Dimension, the Numbers/Letters are “simplified to “simply” the Numbers 1-27.
Those 27 Numbers or 27 “Little Cubes” form One Larger Cube. Think of them as something like a Rubik’s Cube that has (in theory) 27 Little Cubes in it. With a Rubik’s Cube, we never get to see the central little Cube, the Cube for Number 14. That 14th Letter in Hebrew is the “Nun”, the Fish. This is the symbol adopted by the early Christians. Guess why!
Spelled out, the value of the Nun jumps from “14” in the Higher Dimension to 50 as The Fish, and then to “50, 6, 700” for the spelling of the Letter as the Hebrew equivalents of “N-U-N”. The “N Final Form” (“N Sofit) has the value 700.
756 is the value of The Base Length of The Great Pyramid in feet. It is also TWICE the value of 378, which is the sum of all the Numbers from 1 to 27.
Yes, there is a lot of Mathematics in this. And Jesus was/is a Master Mathematician. He chose the names of His Apostles to interact and combine in ways, different ways, to convey the many messages about “THE CUBE” that are conveyed in the Gospels. We have seen SOME but by no means ALL of those messages in the Posts/Articles on this website.
Again, Which CUBE?
The Cube(s) of Moses’ Tabernacle in the Desert and of Solomon’s Temple are manifestations of the Hiher Magic Cube of 42 in “our” Dimension. But “Our” Dimension reached into the Higher Dimension:
This is why there were 6 Water Vessels at the Wedding Feats at Cana, but they were not all the same sie. They were a “reflection” of the Transfiguration of Jesus on top of Mt Hermon. There were SIX Humans there, like the 6 Faces of the Cube, and the 6 Water Vessels. But at Cana, and on Mt. Hermon, the 6 “Vessels” were not all of the same capacity.
The Teli
The Constellation DRACO That Coils Through All 12 Constellations of The Zodiac
When Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter, He raised her as The Daughter of Light, from out of the clutches of Death and the darkness of the evil Draco-Reptilian. We are given names for her father, for Jesus, for Peter, James and John. Jesus called her Talitha or Telitha, telling us that she was the little girl snatched by the Teli, the evil Draco. But we are NOT given the name of her mother, or of “Mrs Jairus”, not in this case the same woman.
We are supposed to figure out who her “mother is” in this story, i.e. who it is that “Mrs Jairus” represents. Mrs Jairus is not named in the story because she symbolises Eve, the mother of humanity, who in her earlier “incarnation” or name (Chaiyah or Haiyah) fell into the clutches and bed of the evil Draco “Teli”.
Eve’s name has the value 19. This is connected with the 19 in the 1119 value of John’s name. It is also connected with the 12 Constellations and 7 visible moving objects in our sky (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn). Eve’s involvement with the Reptilian “set up” our physical world. It is why Judaic tradition sometimes describes our universe as the “Skin of The Serpent”.
A Cube with a Centre and 6 Faces, plus 12 Edges, is the 7 plus 12 that Jesus “engineered when He raised the 12 year old girl.
When we “factor in” Eve’s name as Chaiyah, the 613 Mitvot, the 613 Commandments of Judaism “pop out”. The 7 Commandments that apply to all humanity (Don’t murder Don’t Steal etc) make up the 620 of Keter (the WILL part of Jesus’ prayer), and the 620 Letters of the 10 Commandments.
Wisdom Understanding and Knowledge, the fusion of Male and Female energies also has the value 620. The “And Knowledge” is where the term “Veda” as in “Vedic” comes from. Yes, this “stuff” with its mathematics, reaches into India as well as into Judaism and Christianity.
Chaiyah’s name has the value 23. Light in the Torah is a 9 Fold String. The knot on the edge of Jesus garment, the knot grabbed by the Woman with the Issue of Blood, had 9 Strings, representing LIGHT.
Jesus’ Mathematics runs deeper here, much deeper. The “basic names” of Simon Peter, James and John, total (1100 + 755 + 1103 + 1119) 4077.
4077 is the value of the top “half”, Rows 2-5 of the Block of 8000 within the 72 Triplets. Obviously, the next 4 Rows, i.e. Rows 6, 7, 8 and 9 have a value of 3923.
And on it goes . . . . .
In Jesus’ “Mathematics” we find Tesla’s (and Marko Rodin’s) 3, 6 and 9. We find Modulus 9 Arithmetic and Eve as a Ninth of Light. We find the Fibonnaci Number Series, and “Phi” the Golden Ratio. We find the 18 Digit repeating sequence 173553719826446289 that ties in with the overall structure of the Torah.
The “Messages” are many. In one sense, the 6 faces of the Magic Cube of 42 are the same in value, 126 each. But somehow, the message is there, that ALL of us, no matter what our different capacities could be touched by what is in The Cube.
As Jesus told Jairus on the way to Jairus’ home, “Just Believe’. Believe ONLY”. In other words, Shut out and Block the Doubt.
What is the Greek word for Faith”?
PISTIS, value 800.
We are back to the Block of 8000 within the 72 Triplets. Cana is 72. That is the value of the Greek name Cana.
Cana — we re being pointed at the &2 Triplets. Even the reference to the “Third Day” is a pointer to the 72 TRIPLETS.
Chaiyah, Eve’s Original Name
Value 23
Light (“AUR”)
Value 1 + 6 + 200 = 207
Chut – String Value 23, Same as Chaiyah
9 Strings in Light
9 * 23 = 207 (Light)
Eve, fallen Eve (19) who used to be Chaiyah, part (a Ninth – cf 9 Rows Below and 9 Strings in the Knot grabbed by the Woman with the Issue of Blood, i.e. the Knot on Jesus’ garment), of Light, got back her husband for 800 years, until he died in 930 HC.
126 years later, Noah, father of modern humanity was born. “Mrs Noah” was not fully human. She was a hybrid. That is why Noah is desribed as perfect in his generations.
The lifespans of the first 26 generations in the Bible, Adam to Moses, sum to 12,600.
The 126, the faces of the Cube ARE important.
When Jesus was confronted by the Devil after 40 Days in the Wilderness, where did the Devil take Him to show Him the wealth and glory of all the kingdoms of the world?
He took Jesus to a “High Mountain”. That mountain was probably “ET Central”, i.e. Mt. Hermon, where Hermes, came and went from. (HERMES really “operated from” MOUNT HERMON, and NOT from Mt. Olympus).
Where else did the Devil take Jesus?
The Devil took Jesus to the Temple on Mt. Moriah.
What was Jesus’ last journey, if we have it correct that the Transfiguration was on Mt. Hermon?
Jesus went from Mt Hermon to Jersualem and to the Temple Mount. He died there on the northern edge of Mount Moriah if you regard Golgotha and the cliff face (behind the modern Arab Bus Station north of the Old City Wall/Gate, as part of the Temple Mount. That is where the Ark of the Covenant was hidden in the cave below the Crucifixion site. The “CUBE” of the Holy of Holies, was somewhere on the modern “Temple Mount/”Wailing Wall” area.
Jesus’ Blood ran down the cross after the Roman soldier opened up Jesus’ chest with the spear. The earthquake cracked the rock so that the Blood reached the lid of the Ark of The Covenant.
The same Earthquake tore the veil of The Temple, opening up the Cube.
The split/crack in the Rock is still there where the cross hole is, today, up behind the Bus Station, but covered over by the dirt and rubble of almost 2,000 years.
Ark of The Covenant – In a Cave below Golgotha
And Yes, there was a Replica in Ethiopia
Golgotha, Place of a Skull