72 Triplets In Blocks of 9 — Part II Cubes, The Burning Bush, Jesus, The Sephiroth & Creation

More on 1453

In the previous Post/Article about the 72 Triplets and Blocks of 9, we had gotten as far as the 1453 and 1418, i.e. to the 3rd and 4th Blocks of 9 Triplets (below).


We saw that the 1453 was the 231st Prime Number, with the 231 being related to the “structure” of The Hebrew language. Those 231 “Gates” are the Two-Letter Roots in Hebrew. Their number “doubles to 462 if we count “the Gates” as being different depending on the order of the Letters.

In other words, using “English” or Roman Alphabet “equivalents, if we count “A-B” and “B-A” as being the same, then we have 231 Gates.

But if we count “A-B” and “B-A” as two different gates, then we will have a “count of 462 “Gates”.

Polynesian cultures have connections back to the Middle East, and to ancient knowledge. Some people believe that Polynesians are either related to, or are, from the “Lost Tribes” of Israel. It is interesting that their “creation diagram” has 462 pathways on it.

“The 462” is also in Abraham’s Sepher Yetzireh.

462 is the value of “Nativ”, the Secret Pathway described by Abraham when he refers to Nativoth (Secret Pathways (i.e. Pathways, “plural”.

But it does not “end” there.

The Hebrew Alphabet can be divided up into “Odd” and “Even” Letters. When we do this, the “Odd” Letters have a Total value of 625. The “Even” Letters total 870. That gives us a (correct) total value for the 22 Hebrew Letters, of 1495.

625 + 870 = 1495

We can “split” the 1495 total value of the Alphabet, using the Golden Ratio (“Phi”) proportion that is such a major component of Torah “mathematics”, as per some of our recent posts about the 18 Digit Sequence that is built into The Torah, into the Great Pyramid’s dimensions, into Electronics (Marko Rodin and Tesla), and into The 42 Letter Name.

When we take a “Phi” split, of the Alphabet’s 1495, we have 924 and 571. The “difference” ifrom the Odd-Even split (above) is 54.

That is the same 54 that turned up as the Remainder when we took the Square Roots of the 72 Triplets. That is the 54 Parashot in the Torah. It is the 54 Lights in the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid. It is the 27 “pairs” of numbers/positions in Two Magic Cubes of 42.

And, for New Testament scholars, Jesus entered the Heavenly Holy of Holies, another CUBE, after His Resurrection. The Aerthly CUBE on Mt. Moriah, the Earthly Holy of Holies, had already been opened, just after His death when the earthquake struck. That was when His blood reached the lid of The Ark of The Covenant in the cave below His cross.

There were TWO CUBES, one in Heaven, one on Earth.

We looked at the word Chashmal, translated as “Sound(s) of Silence”. Its value is 378, the same as the sum of all the numbers (1 to 27) of the positions or “little cubes” within the Magic Cube of 42.

Chashmal “Sound(s) of Silence”
54 + 378 = 432

The Ordinal value of the Letters in the Word “CHASHMAL” is

8 + 21 + 13 + 12 = 54

Now add the 54 to 378. We have 432, Two CUBES of 216

54 + 378 = 432

54 108 216
2160 Diameter of The Moon 1080 Mile Lunar Radius
Jesus’ “Two Cubes
“Do not Cling to Me, for I Have Not Yet Ascended to My Father

The Last word of The Torah, “Israel” and the First Word, “Bereshith”, joing together, with the Hebrew word for Heart, LeV (Lamed Bet) at the join. This is significant, for several reasons.

One of those reasons is that Lamed-Bet represents 32, as in the 32 paths described by Abraham in his Sepher Yetzireh.

Another reason is the 432, representing 43used Joseph of attempted rape or sexual assault. She was only a little girl then. But it was her protests that prevented Joseph being executed that day. Thirt

2. The other letters in the two words, Bereishith and Israel, represent or mother, accmake up the word “Ashrei” (“Happy & Blessed”, TWICE. Each has the vale 511, the value of the name of Joseph’s wife and protector, Asenath. (She saved his life the day Zeleca, her step-mother or adoptive mother accused Joseph of sexual assault. Twelve years later, Pharoah and his court were more than happy to “match make” Joseph with the “now grown up” little girl who had always loved him.)

Asenath’s name vale, 511, when “doubled”, makes up 1022, a pointer to Jesus. Jesus’ Hebrew Name, when “expanded out, increasing the Letters from 1 to 2, then 3 and then 4, has the value 1022.

The Triplets are telling us that both Jesus, as well as Joseph’s very happy marriage, are at the centre of Creation. And somehow, there are TWO CUBES in there too.

Ashrei 432 Ashrei
913 + 541 = 1454
1454 – 432 = 1022

Yeshua “Expanded” 1 Letter to 2, then 3, and then 4:

10 + 310 + 316 + 386 = 1022
Yeshua 386 => 1022

10 Sephiroth, 22 Paths
10 Numbers, 22 Letters (cf. Psalm 119)

1453 “Backwards”: 3541 & “The Kingdom”

We have seen that 1453 is the 231st Prime Number. The “Palindrome image” of 1453, i.e. 3541 is also a Prime Number. It is the 496th Prime Number.

The value of the Hebrew word for Kingdom, i.e. Malcuth or Malchuth, is 496.

Malcuth – Kingdom Value (40 70 20 6 400) = 496
The 496th Prime is 3541
(1453 “Backwards”)

703 + 1418 = 2121

The two “Blocks” of 9 Triplets before and after the Block of value 1453, have values 703 and 1418. These two values sum to 2121.

703 + 1418 = 2121

21 and 21 are(is?) pointers to The 42 Letter Name.

2121 also can be read as 21 times 101, which is the 26th Prime Number. 26 is a “standard” representation of God’s 4-Letter Name, a.k.a. the Tetragrammaton.

21 is also the value of Ehyeh, one of the Names God used when He spoke to Moses from the Burning Bush. That Name, value 543 (21 + 501 + 21) was a “mirror image reflection” of Moses’ name, value 345. The meeting of God and Moses as 543 and 345, “pre-figured” the meeting of God and Man in Jesus, whose Greek New Testament Name has the value 888.

Ehyeh Value 21

I Will Be Who (and What) I
Will Be
Value 543 = 21 + 501 + 21

345 and 543 are hints at Pythagorean Triads and Triads. God Built those Hints into the 72 Triplets. Plus pointers to Jesus (Greek and Hebrew Names), to Joseph, and to Asenath. AND to the Sepher Yetzireh with its 10 Numbers and 22 Letters.

Those 10 Numbers, or 10 Sephiroth and 22 Paths, are a reference to the Tree of The Sephiroth and to the start of Creation – when measure of Quality (22 Letters) and of Quantity (10 Numbers) were injected into “The Matrix.

Aleph (1) was a symbol of the 22 Letters. Yod (10 – Digits, fingers) was a symbol for our Base 10 Number System. So 1 and 10, Aleph and Yod, “11” were “injected” into the Matrix, value (00″.

This is “9/11” on a deeper level, Dark Magicians trying to use God’s Mathematics to create the world they wanted.

Aleph & Yod 1 and 10 (=11)
Letters and Numbers
10 Numbers 22 Letters

What happens when we inject te Aleph and the Yod into the “Matrix”?

We “get” the “beginning” of creation!

Reshet — Matrix (200 + 300 + 400 = 900)

Consciousness (11) Injected Into The Matrix (900)

The “difference” between the Matrix with Consciousness injected into it, and the first word of the Bible, is The “Bet” at the start of the Word. That Letter “Bet” can mean, “in”, or “inside”, or “with” or “via” or “through”. The sense is that God used the application of consciousness, the ability to measure and analyse, to “focus” on, or in, the Matrix, as a creative tool.

The First Day of Genesis in the Genesis Week describes God dividing between Light and Dark. But God “SAW” the Light before the separation took place.

Day Two describes a “Raquia” (Firmament” being a Separator between “The Waters”. One interpretation of those verses is of God finding a way to differentiate between sections (Above and Below) of what had previously been an undifferentiated or uniform Field/Matrix.

The Letter “Aleph” has the visual impact of a Separation between something Above (and Right) and something “Below and Left”.

Aleph as a Separator (Diagonal)
Between Top-Right and Bottom-Left

To “mmake a separation”, we need criteria on which to justify the separation. That means some means of meaure and analysis of what had been a unified field.

Reshet (Matrix)

We can read the first word of the Bible as:

In a Matrix injected with the ability to measure Qualitity and Quantity . . . .
WIITH/THROUGH Focus and Attention in the Matrix . . .

9/11 Dark Magic & Creative Power

911 is the 156th Prime Number
i.e. Joseph’s Prime Number
Asenath (Joseph’s wife) is at the Heart of Creation
WITh the TWO CUBES of 216

God “loaded” all this into the 72 Triplets. But, we are not “done” yet! There is still plenty more!

216 Letters in The 72 Triplets
Cube of 216
6 by 6 by 6

The 72 Triplets — God engraved them for Adam, one of God’s gifts to Humanity

God let Adam took the Staff (Triplets
engraved on it) with him when
“Humanity” was evicted from Eden

God ALSO put the Triplets in 3 verses of the Torah (rearranged slightly).
Each verse has 72 Letters,

216 Letters in All

Exodus 14: 19 – 21

Exodus 14: vs 19 – 21
216 Letters
72 Letters in Each Verse
The Moon’s Diameter of 2160 Miles
is linked to The 216 Letter