72 Triplets In Blocks of 9 — Part V — God’s “Blockchain” in The 72 Triplets and The Tree of The Sephiroth

We have already looked at the “Block sizes” 1418, 703, 744 and 1453 more than once. Now we are going to add a bit more. The values of the 8 Bloccks containing 9 Triplets each, are shown in the graphic below:

“Double Tiphereth” – And MORE!

We saw that 1418 plus 744 gave us 2162, twice the value of Tiphereth, the “Central” (at least in terms of position) emanation or dimension within the “Tree” of the Sephiroth.

Tiphereth (Value 1081)

1418 & Double Letters

There are 7 Double Letters in Hebrew – cf. the 7 vertical lines in the above Tree of The Sephiroth graphic, Jesus’ 7 Large Baskets, 7 Deacons, 7 Lights on the Menorah in the Temple, and 6 Faces plus a Centre (making “7”) in any Cube.

The value of those 7 Double Letters is 709, i.e. half the 1418.

The 7 Double Letters in Hebrew
Total Value 709
2 * 709 = 1418

If we “split” that 1418 value into two lots of 709, and then add a 709 to 1453, we get 2162 again.

It is God’s “mathematics”. God put that “Double Tiphereth” in the 72 Triplets another time. As per earlier posts God did a LOT of Doubling Up with names and numbers, and with shapes, in the 72 Triplets. The “Doubling” must be important/significant !

1418 and 1453

There is a difference of 35 between 1418 and 1453. This is reminiscent of the 35 difference between 1833 and 1868, i.e. between the first 21 letters of the 42 Letter Name, and the second 21 letters.

The torah contains exactly 1833 Samech’s, or 3 times 611. 611 is the value of the word Torah in Hebrew. Is it indicative of THREE Torah’s – a written one, an oral one, and a mathematical one?

The 35th Chashmal Number is 1820, a number that is heavily represented in the 42 Letter Name and in the 72 Triplets – cf. the last two Blocks of 9 Triplets sum (1060 + 760) to 1820.

1418, 709 and 744

We have seen that 1418 plus 744 gives us 2162 or “Double Tiphereth.

Now let’s look again at half of 1418, i.e. 709 and add it to 744. We get 1453.

709 + 744 7 = 1453