72 Triplets In Blocks of 9 — Part VI — Our Universe’s Divine Matrix

Switching To Blocks of 18 (instead of 9)

We have been showing the 8 Blocks of 9 Triplets’ values in a Column/List of 8 Numbers. It is also useful to look at combining each group of 18 Triplets (i.e. two Blocks of 9) together.

So for the first two Blocks of 9, we combine 1165 and 703 to get 1868. We then do the same with Blocks 3 and 4, with Blocks 5 and 6, and with Blocks 7 and 8. The result is the column/list below:



One of the immediate “visual” effects of combining Groups of 9 Triplets into larger groups of 18 Triplets, is that we immediately see the value 1820 for the last “Big Block” of 18 Triplets.

The Sacred 4-Letter Name of God occurs exactly 1820 times in the Torah. It is part of a “Divine Matrix” of 2048 occurrences of Divine Names that occur in The Torah. Those 2048 occurrences are like a “Two Kilobyte” (2 to the 11th power) matrix that surrounds our 10-D universe

211 = 2048
1820 + 228 = 2048
2048 Bytes = Two Kilobytes

God’s Sacred 4-Letter Name
Occurs 1820 Times in The Torah