72 Triplets In Blocks of 9 — Part VII — Links From Eden To The New Testament and To Our “Modern Era”

In 4 Blocks of 18 Triplets (Above)

And in 8 Blocks of 9 Triplets (Above)

The third Block of 18 Triplets or , the 5th and 6th Block of 9 Triplets, has the value 2584. This is the same as the value of the names Jesus gave Simon Peter. This is one of many links between Jesus and the 72 Triplets. Those 72 Triplets were engraved by God in Eden, on the Staff that He gave to Adam as God’s gift to humanity. Moses had that Staff in his hand when he split the Sea. That is ALL 140 KG (about 300 lbs) of the Staff in Moses’ hand. Yup, Moses was quite a guy !! He was humble. He was God’s personal friend. He was trained as if he was going to be an Egyptian Pharoah. Those guys had to be able to speak 70 languages or they were not even in the running for the job. Moses had all that. He had God and his Israelite heritage as well. And he could pick up a 300 lb Sapphire Staff in one hand. Yup, Moses was really something. When he was born, the whole house filled with light. Moses’ mother knew immediately that her new baby was something special. She was right !

Moses’ mind was even more impressive than his physical prowess, whuch does not even rate a mention in the Bible, other than a passing mention of his still being as fit as a proverbial fiddle when he was 120 years old.

His great friend, God, still locked him out of the Promised Land for not demonstrating the power of Words when he was supposed to do so. The Lesson must have been an important one.

The numbers/letters engraved on the Staff, numbers that Moses’ mind was able to juggle and manipulate comfortably, are the link between Eden, Adam & Eve, Israel, Jesus and the New Testament period, including our era. The links are all there – in the numbers, in the Triplets.