72 Triplets “Source Verse” Values

The 72 Triplets are (in a slightly re-arranged letter order), in The Book of Exodus, chapter 14, verses 19 – 21.

Each of those three verses contins exactly 72 letters. The verses are shown below:

The Triplets were engraved, by God, on the Staff that God gave to Adam. God is (oviously !) above Time and Space, so it makes sense that what God engraved on The Staff was “prophetic”, describing events that would happen in what was then (in Eden) well into the future.

The Triplets “describe” the Splitting of The Sea, something that Moses did, with The Staff (and so, the Triplets), in his hand. The “variation” is that God engraved what would become verse 20, in reverse letter order”. If you look at the middle letters, starting from Triplet #72, and then work down through Triplets 71, 70, 69 . . . . 3, 2, 1, you will see or read verse 20 (the middle verse) in the above graphic.

Jesus spoke about the Last being First, and the First being Last. God “did just that” in Eden when the Triplets were engraved on the Staff.

The 72 Triplets are shown in the graphic below. Factoring in the reverse order for verse 20, you can read the Triplets and the three verses, virtually inerchangeably. The difference is that the 216 Letters are in 72 Triplets on the Staff, and in 56 Words in Exodus.

The three verse values are 2672, 3043 and 3428.



A “logical way” of dividing 9143 into 3 “parts”, could be 3048, 3047 and 3048. God “decided” to do it this way, but just slightly, a tiny fraction, differently:

3043 as the “middle” section, leaving exactly 6100 or twice 3050 for the other two sections.

61, or 610, turns up frequently in the Torah in key places, such as:

  • The last line of the Upper 42 Letter Name
  • The Upper Right Quadrant in the 7 Column layout of the 42 Letter Name
  • as Half (61) of the 122 Words in the Middle Section of the Shema
  • As the 18th Prime Number, relating to the “Phi generated” 18 Digit repeating Sequence, which “pops” out of The Fibonacci Series and jives with the Structure and overall Gematria value of the Torah

In turn, Phi to the 18th = 5778, the year on the Hebrew Calendar that corresponds to 2018 or 2019 AD. 18 is also Weight of Water, and the value of “Chai”, the Hebrew word for Life, from which the Adian term Ch’i or Q’i is derived. Water and Life are connected! Phi is connected with BOTH of them via the Phi and 18 “link”.


3050 – 2672 = 378

3428 – 3050 = 378

In other words, God “varies the numbers” by 378 either way, up or down from 3050. 378 is the value of all the numbers in The Magic Cube of 42.

The differences from 3043 rather than from 3050, are going to be “out” by 7, one way or other, up or sown.

The numbers (7 less than 378, and 7 more than 378) are 371 and 385.

That is 7 up or down, from 378, i.e.

371 and 385.

Things get more interesting when we factor in the number of words per verse: 371 + 15 => 386 (Yeshua)

While 385 + 21 => 406 (twice 203) — Jesus as the creator

The “Total Span” of the differences 2672 to 3428 is 756, the Base Length in feet, of The Great Pyramid.

The Words Per Verse

There are 15, 20 and 21 Words in the Three verses, Exodus 19 – 21. That makes a total of 56 verses.

Those 56 verses, or rather, the number 56, is a pointer to the 8 Spoked Wheel that is structured into Genesis 1:1 (Stan Tenen’s work on the auto correlation in the verse ), and the same 8 Spoked Wheel which is built into the European “Pagan” Calendar, the “Compass” directions, the Chinese system for Time, and for Directions in Space, into the Indian Wheel of Dharma, which is a major Buddhist symbol, and into St. Peter’s Square.

The 56 positions in Stan Tenen’s Spiral structure of Genesis 1:1 are God’s way of representing the 7 Dys Time cycle we use (6 Days and the Sabbath), and Half the structure on either side of a Zero Point or Vortex. In other words, the 56 is a symbol for one side of a vortex and for “Higher Dimensional Physics”. Putting BOTH sides of the vortex together gives us the “Holy Grail”, and the 112, as in the 112 Triplets.

The 112 Triplets “attach to” the 8 Corners of God’s Magic Cube of 42. That Cube “spins”. If we look at the two “planes”, 4 corners in each, BOTH of those planes have the exact value of 56.

19 + 10 + 9 + 18 = 56
8 + 6 = 20 + 22 = 56


So, the Gret Pyramid, which looks like a Four Sided Pyramid, is really an 8 Sided Figure/Shape. There are slight “indentations” in the centre of each face. That 8-sided shape is only apparent from or in, an aerial photo. But it IS there. The Pyramid is slightly concave on each face, like a mirror or a lens. Jesus’ Name (Greek) has the vale “888”. it sort of “figures”! His full Name “Jesus Christ” in Greek has the value 2368, which is or can be represented as, a perfect 8 by 8 Square of 64 * 37.

The “combinations” of the verse “word counts” generates 35, 36, 41 and the 56.

15 + 20 = 35 15 + 21 = 36 20 + 21 = 41

So Jesus has 41 Generations to His Birth in Matthew’s Gospel. The Gospel account “claims” 42 generations because the 42nd generation for Jesus was His resurrection.

35 is a number that “pops up” as the 35th verse of the Torah, where the Two Divine Names, value 112 (26 plus 86) occur together for the first time.. The 35th Chashmal Number is part of the 42 Letter Name – TWICE ! That same number, 1820, is the difference, both in the “people counts” and in The Tribes’ names, in the two census totals during the 40 years that Moses led the Israelites in the desert.

1820 Difference in The Census Totals, & The Value of The Names of 6 Tribes
(Source: kabbalahsecrets.com)

The 35th Chasmal Number, 1820

The 36 is tied to MANY things such as the 36 “Righteous Men”, and to the second line of The Shema, where the first letters spell out the message

In Shechem there are 36

Second line of The Shema (above).
Somehow the 36 Righteous men, whose presence on Earth has prevented its destruction, are associated with Joseph’s territory (Shechem), where Jesus met the woman at the well

Our Mile, 1760 yards long, is exactly 3600 Cubits long (each Cubit being 17.6″). Future posts will deal with “Satan’s 4400” in more detail, and how Jesus “did the numbers” in relation to the Block of 8,000 (8 Rows of 8 Columns, another perfect square) within the Triplets.

That 8 by 8 Square can also be formed into a 4 by 4 by 4 CUBE. This links Jesus to a CUBE, and to the Holy of Holies in the Temple. Moses’ was born in the year 2368, on the Hebrew/Biblical Calendar. That 2368 is the same value as Jesus Christ. The “numbers” link Jesus, Moses, Joseph, Cubes, Squares, The Temple, Time (8 Days above 7 Days of Times as we know it), to Shechem (where Dinah was abducted and raped), to Dinah’s daughter Asenath, who was Joseph’s wife, and to the 8 Sided Great Pyramid. Joseph and Asenath are, nuerically, “written in” to the start of Genesis,. The “Magic Cube of 42” is at the heart of God’s Creation. It is tied (literally) to the 112 Triplets. Jesus’ Greek Name has the value 24 times 37. His Title “Christos” has the value “40 times 37, i.e. 1480. That “40 more” is tied to the “proverbial” 40 days and 40 nights.

It also represents the “40 more” that takes 72 Triplets to 112 Triplets.

The Triplets ARE Camelot.

St Michel’s Tor (“Camelot” – Glastonbury)
Joseph of Arimathea’s “Came;ot”

Camelot, the Holy Grail and Joseph of Arimathea. Behind the myth and the legends, there was some reality. That reality stretches from Eden (where humanity was given the Triplets) through to prophecies about our modern era.

The Great Pyramid’s “8 Sides”

72 Triplets Bolock of 8,000 in Rows 2 – 9

Jesus Christ” (Greek) is 2368

64 * 37 = 2368

Time as We Know It – 6 Days around a Sabbath => 7 Day Week
The 8th Day is “Above Time” – Hence our Symbol for Infinity
Jesus Rose on the 8th Day

The First 8 Words of The Bible “Are” the 77th Triangular Number Jesus’ 77 Generations in Luke’s Gospel The “Right Hand” of God’s Primordial 10 Letters (values 4 6 7 10 50 for the Right Hand Letters sum to 77)

10 Original Letters (BEFORE Time and Space)
Values 77 on The Right and
1480 on The Left