In our previous Article/Post, we looked at the “Triple Cube” and “Triple Genesis” or “Triple Creation” numerics in the recorded “plot” to destroy Jesus.
There were obviously, more people “in” the plot than those whose names are recorded in the Gospels. So, perhaps, it is God who put the names into the Gospel account in such a way as to point back to the Cube structure (AGAIN !) and Genesis.
The “numerics” in the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ death are “fancy enough” to point at super-human intelligence at work. Was some of that “super-human” intelligence Satan’s intelligence? Was it a sophisticated plot put together by some super-human forces?
The agenda was the same as it still is. The aim was to make God submit, to make God “a captive”, a giant battery, to be used by the dark forces. Then, they hoped, they could run rampant through the universe forever.
In this article, we look at three men, one who was manioulated into the plot, another who was clueless about what was happening, but became a willing tool of Satan through his own stupidity and evil, and finally, one who was never in the plot. All three tried to save Jesus. All three were thwarted in their attempts.
All three are tied together in the “mathemtics” with :
- Vortexes and “Zero Points”
- An 8th dimension above time
- Matter and energy as some sort of String or Frequency
- “God’s Prime Number”, the 26th Prime #, 101. This, in turn, is tied to the “arms” of The Primordial Aleph” & The 112 Triplets. Those Triplets “orbit” God’s Magic Cube of 42, at the heart of Creaion.
- are linked with the “8 Spoked Wheel” which is in the old “pagan” European Calendar, in the Chinese and other Asian traditions, in Indian tradition, in St. Peter’s Square, and in Stan Tenen’s Trinary Auto-correlation of Genesis 1:1
- Judas Iscariot 1601
- Pontius Pilate 1471
These numbers, in larger print, are:
The Guys Who Tried To Save Jesus
Judas Iscariot
Seen as one of the greatest traitors and monsters of history, Judas Iscariot gets a pretty bad rap. The New Testament says bluntly that Satan entered into him. Jesus “blasts” him with the judgement that it would have been better for Judas, if he had never been born.
But Judas was not out to kill Jesus. Judas was like so many in senior “leadership positions” in modern churches. They are political. They play power and money games, doing what they tink is best for the “stupid” people who need to believe in something. They think they know how it really is, how they are the ones who make sure that the churches will last, will still have buildings and salaries, and still be OK with the government. They are absolutely clueless about spiritual matters, and about what is really happening. Judas was “one such”.

Judas was part of a hard-line revolutionary group, the Sicarii. He had latched onto Jesus as yet another “possible religious figure head or messiah”. It was what the Sicarii did. And Judas had “hit paydirt”. His “wanna-be Messiah”,, Jesus, had finally pulled off a resurrection, right there across the Kedron Ravine, from the Temple Mount. That was not a rumoured miracle from way up near southern Lebanon. This was a “dead set” (pardon the pun) resurrection. There were going to be almost 1.5 million people in Jerusalem for the next Passover. They could walk across the Kedron Valley, climb the Mount of Olives and actually see and meet Lazarus and the witnesses. This was “manna from Heaven” for a bunch of revolutionaries hunting for a figurehead magician/prophet/messiah.
But what was Jesus doing? Jesus was talking about dying, about a grain of wheat bringing forth a harvest/fruit, ONLY AFTER it got planted in the ground. To Judas and his revolutionary buddies, this was “Absolutely Crazy, to quite a recent U.S. President. Judas set out to “straighten out” “JC” – just get Him arrested, threatened and harassed by the thugs on the Jeish Temple Police Force and/or some of the scum/thugs that the Romans posted to Jerusalem, and bingo! Jesus was meant to start waving His Magic hnds, and spouting His Magic words, and the soldiers of whatever persuasion would either be bowled over, dead on the spot, or fleeing in terror.
So Judas plotted, probably with the aid of his Sivarii revolutionary buddies. They had it all planned. Jesus would be forced to “snap out of His depression”, flatten some soldiers, and almost a million people out of the 1.5 million “in town” for Passover, would storm the Antonia Fortress and wipe out the entre Roman garrison. The revolution would be underwy, and Rome would be “king hit” so badly that Rome would lose most of the eastern part of its Empire. This was not just the opinion of the Sicarii. It was how Herod saw it too. It was what he wrote in the letter he sent to Pilate when he (Herod) sent Jesus back to the Antonia Fortress and to Pilate.
But it didn’t work out that way. There was no “revolutionary magic” from Jesus, no mighty display of magical powers, no instant victory over Roman military power. Jesus “shut down” Peter in the Garden of Getsemane. Jesus went, without resistance, with His captors, (attackers), to the High Priest’s home.
As the morning broke and Jesus went back and forth, beaten, tortured and flogged, Judas must have been in shock and disbelief. He expected “magic powers”, a sudden display of power from Jesus, that would trigger a “euphoric” rebellion against the Romans.
The New Testament records that once Jesus was condemned, Judas saw/realised that after all the political intrigue and plotting, it was NOT going to “pan out” the way he had hoped.
The arrest, the torture, the bloodthirsty religious leadership, the crowds screaming for Jesus’ blood and death, with Satan revving them on, there could only be one outcome. It was certain to now end in Jesus’ death, a cruel and sadistic death on a cross.
Judas went back to the religious leaders and tried to give the money back, the “blood money” he had received for Jesus. They would not take the money back. THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER FOR A GUY WHOSE HEBREW NAME (Judas, Yehudah) HAS THE VALUE 30, WHOSE NAME IS SPELLED OUT IN THE 5 TRIPLETS THAT MOSES USED (ON THE STAFF) TO SPLIT THE SEA.

The 72 Triplets, Engraved by God
in Eden for Adam
Moses used them (they were on the Staff
Adam got from God, and passed down
through history until Moses had it)
Five of those Triplets are “Coded” with the Letters “Mem Bet”, i.e. 42
The other 5 Letters spell out Judas’s name.
BUT, Judas had tried, with everything he had, to undo what he had done. He failed. He was dead before Jesus was, paying for what he had done, in blood, agony and money equivanet to his own name.
It Came too late. But Judas did TRY to save Jesus. That was what He was doing when he “created a scene” at the Temple, protesting that he had betrayed innocent blood, and throwing the money down.
Judas’ Father
The New Testament mentions, more than once, that Judas’ father was named Simon, and that the father, like his son, was a member of The Sicarii. There is probably significance in the Gosepls making reference to Judas’ father being also an “Iscariot”. Judas was clearly in “the family business”, i.e. hard core revolutionary politics. The “Sicarii plot” was bigger than just Judas. It was meant to lead to a full blown revolution.
Pontius Pilate

Pilate tried, every which way he could, to save Jesus. Herod had spelled it out for him. He was in a jam. If he killed both of the “Wanna-Be Messiahs” he had in custody, or released them both, their supporters would “go berserk”. They would be crazy with grief or cray with Euphoria. Pilate needed several days to get massive reinforcements into the city to prevent the revolution that the Sicarii were planning. Pilate’s only chance, as per Herod’s advice, was to kill Barabbas and free Jesus, or do it “the other way around”. That way the two groups of supporters would be unable to work together until a few days later, i.e. once the grief eased, and they realised what had been done to them. Until then, the grief of one faction would make the celebrations of the other faction offensive to those in sorrow and mourning.
Pilate set out to save Jesus and kill Barabbas. The Jewish religious leaders outpointed him. Pilate was “as mad as hell”, or maybe “as mad as Heaven”. What he wrote on his “Billboard Notice” that went above Jesus’ cross was stunning. It was inspied or “directed” from “above”.
We have to add Pilate to a very short list of the Guys who tried to save Jesus.

Pilate’s Words as a Graphic
It was even fancier than it looks.
The Value is 7215.
When Jesus met Elias and Moses, their three Names summed to 2785
2785 + 7215 = 10,000
Jesus, Moses & Elijah with Pilate’s Notice-Billboard
A Perfect 10,000 Go Figure !!
Peter: “Simon Peter Cephas”
Peter tried hard in Gethsemane to save Jesus. he tried so hard that Jesus had to rescue the thugs and the mob, professional soldiers included, from Peter.

He didn’t give up, even after Jesus stopped him demolishing the “SWAT Team”/Arrest Party. Peter got himself into the High Priest’s palace, where he stayed peaceful despite the attention of friends and a relative of the guys whom whom he had “clobbered” with his sword. He chopped off “said Malchus’ “ear in the melee. But this time, preuming that he still had the sword on Him, he did not use it. He obeyed Jesus’ instructions NOT to fight on His behalf. He must have felt frustrated, blocked and “trapped”. He used denials and lies (about knowing Jesus) to keep himself out of trouble. The realisation that he had done what Jesus had predicted he would, i.e. denying Jesus, broke Peter’s heart. He had tried, he had really tried to save Jesus, and it was Jesus who stopped him – and then turned and looked at him afer the third denial.
But, Peter definitely goes onto the list of those trying to save Jesus.
So now, let’s look at the values of the three names:
Judas Iscariot 2334
(Note 2334 = 1601 + 733,
with 733 being the value of Caiaphas’ name,
more about this, later)
Pontius Pilate 1471
Simon Peter Cephas 2584
Add them up. Look at what we get:
1601 + 733 + 1471 + 2584 = 5656 + 733
Sum 5656
56 * 101 = 5656
5656 is symbolically 56 plus 56, the 112 Triplets, and the TWO SIDES, either side, of the GRAIL “vortex”, symbolised by the Chalice, or Grail Cup.

“Wirm Hole” / Vortex

The Holy Grail
Began at Golgotha? or
The Night Before – Jesus, Peter, Pilate and Judas
were ALL at The Passover Seder ?!
(Pilate was in the “audience” in The “Upper Room” that night. That was why he could not sleep afterwards)

Stan Ten’s Auto-Correlation of Genesis 1:1
That 2701 “Rubik’s Cube” again !)
56 Positions on One Side of a Vortex
Higher Dimensional Energy manifesting as
Orbits on a Lower Dimensional Shape
Electron Orbits around The Zero Point that is
the Nucleus of an Atom?

Grail – or “Zero Point Vortex”
2584 + 1601 + 1471 = 5656
56 as either the Cup or The Stem of The Grail Chalice. The “8 Spoked Wheel” is in China, in India, in The Vatican (St. Peter’s “Square”).

St Peter’s “Square” Aerial View
8 Spoked Wheel !!

56 * 101 = 5656
101 is “God’s Prime Number”, i.e. the 26th Prime (God’s 4 Letter Name has the value 26)

(10 5 6 5) = 26
The “missing link” in the numbers (above) is obviously Caiaphas and “his” 733, which turns out to be the 130th Prime Number.
Caiaphas was a political appointee. He was appointed by the Romans, not by the Jews. He was appointed by the Romans because he was more acceptable to them than his father-in-law, Annas. Basically, the Romans did not like or trust Annas and his politics. Maybe Caiaphas was just more cunning and more subtle, a politician who could “play both sides.
Caiaphas’ status as High Priest is not 100% clear. The New Testament credits him with “prophesying as High Priest” when he said that Jesus should die for the people, rather than have the Romans destroy the Jewish “nation”. But Caiaphas went on record as saying that they should not seize Jesus during the festival lest a riot (read that as rebellion) started. Yet, Caiaphas then went ahead with Judas’ timetable, arresting Jesus on the eve of the Festival, virtually guaranteeing the near riot that Pilate had to deal with the next day. How many of us have encountered politicians who say one thing and do another??
It is hard to tell just whom Caiaphas was working for. He said he did not want a riot or a rebellion, that he did not want the Romans violently putting down a revolution. Then he went within an inch of triggering both. He was the mainstay of the plot(s) to get Jesus killed, and to make sure that the death was to be by crucifixion. Basically, he was a “sadistic and cruel religious monster” who used religion as a tool to get his own way. Sound familiar !!?
IN FUTURE POST, we will look at how closely the “numerics” link Caiaphas to the Romans. It was Caiaphas rather than his father-in-law who had Jesus dragged before Pilate. Judas almost HAD to have been negotiating with Caiaphas, either directly or through an intermediary.
Judas was a member of a revolutiobat activist family and society. When he negotiated the deal with Caiaphas, he did so on behalf of the militant revolutionaries. Judas had a change of heart that led to his suicide. So, in a sense, Judas hd mixed “loyalties”. Caiaphas may habe been doing the same, working with the revolutionaries while “toadying up” to the Romans.
Whatever Caiaphas’ “mixed goals” were, he was clarly a very nasty piece of work. Judas worked with him, and then tried to get him to change (i.e. the 30 pieces of Silver). That is why Judas’ “2334” was split in the above “list” into 1601 and 733. There is almost certainly “more” in the names than we have covered here.