Jesus’ Adversaries – Caiphas & The Whole Satanic “Gang”

Getting Jesus killed was not enough for them. They wanted Him tortured to death as well. So they brought the Romans into it. This is what religious people want to do when they go nasty, vicious, jealous and judgemental. When you look at the “mathematics” and the numbers, these Satanic monsters really were working for Satan. They were just as vicous as the Devil they served.

But the numbers also show that there was a major spiritual struggle going on, forces of good against the forces of evil. Moses and Elijah had appeared to and with, Jesus up on mountain, a few weeks earlier. They spoke with Him about what He was going to accomplish in Jerusalem. In a sense they were “still there”, still with Jesus when He died.

The “clue” is in what Pilate wrote to go on the giant Billboard above Jesus’ cross. Pilate was angry, very angry, when he wrote that notice. Somehow God used that anger, perhaps as a channel for Divine fury over what the evil servants of Satan were doing. Pilate, despite his less than celebrious status in history, was trying to save Jesus. Somehow, anger or otherwise, he became a tool or channel for God that day, almost certainly, unwittingly. Foreigner, politician, crafty and all that, he despite his i”goy”/gentile background, penned some brilliant stuff thay, stuff that went back to The Transfiguration, some of it to Eden. The material below, about Caiaphas and the whole evil “crew” will cover some of what Pilate did and wrote that day, and during the Passover “Seder” the night before. Pilate was one of the guests at that Passover. Forget Leonardo and a troom with one table and 13 guys around it sitting in an Italian room. It was not like that. It was NOT in an Italian building/room. There were way more people there than 13.

Pilate heard every word that Jesus spoke when He was teaching at that Seder. The large section of John’s Gospel from the Seder, covers some of what Pilate heard. IT WAS THE BEGINNING OF AN EXTRAORDINARY 24 HOURS IN PILATE’S LIFE. MAYBE THAT WAS WHERE HE WAS ‘SET UP” TO BECOME GOD’S AUTHOR THE NEXT DAY.

When we look at the events, and the mathematics, the odds are strong, that The Holy Grail started that night, in many more ways than we could imagne after only reading the surface text.

Read on . . . . . . .

Jesus’ “Opposition”

Caiaphas must have been a”a right piece of work”
His father-in-law, Annas, could not “pin” anything on Jesus
Annas was the real High Priest.
Caiaphas was appointed to the job by THE ROMANS !!
Caiaphas was a “political appointee” who played politics against Pilate
to manipulate him into executing Jesus

Caiaphas objected to what Pilate wrote, that Jesus was
The King of The Jews
Pilate refused to rewrite the Sign on The “Billboard”.
What I have written, I have written”
Read the sub-text of that response from Pilate in colloquial English :as Stuff you, you conniving evil bastard !”
Pilate must have loathed and dspised Caiaphas for what he had done.

Annas, Caiaphas & Malchus

302 + 733 + 941 = 1976

“In the Garden of Gethsemane”, Malchus & Judas Iscariot:

Malchus & Judas Iscariot

941 + 2334 = 3274

The Named “Plotters” & Participants

2334 + 941 + 302 + 733 = 3577 + 733
= 4310

Judas Iscariot, Malchus, Annas & Caiphas

The Two “Edomites”

Herod was NOT Jewish. He was an Idumaen, a descendant of Edom (Esau), just as the Romans were. Herod was hostile towards Jesus after Jesus basically refused to do any “magic tricks” or miracles for him. Pilate was different. He tried every which way that he could, to save Jesus. He failed. It was Herod’s advice that Pilate ultimately was forced to follow.

Herod sent Jesus back to Pilate with a letter to Pilate. In that letter, Herod told Pilate that the only way he was going to get out of the “political and military disaster” he was facing, was to free ONE of the “wanna-be” messiahs that he had in custody, and release the other.

Pilate knew that Jesus was no “wanna-be”. Pilate had attended the Passover meal in the Upper Room the night before. He was so impressed by Jesus that he could not sleep afterwards. He had a very clear idea that Jesus was someone very special, the supernatural messiah that people hoped for. And he was “stuck” with both Jesus and Barabbas in custody. Pilate tends to get a bad rap from western commentators who do not understand the situation Pilate was in.

Herod understood. His advice to Pilate was cunning, devious and heartless. But it was right. The New Testament says that Herod and Pilate became friends that day. That happened because Herod’s advice was so “sound”.

Pilate tried very hard to see that it was Barabbas whom he had executed that day. But Pilate failed because he was out-manoeuvred by the Jewish religious leadership. So, in many ways, he was not a plotter against Jesus. But he was the one who ordered, because he had no choice, Jesus’ execution.

Pilate was furious about that. That is why he had the giant notice put up saying that Jesus was King of the Jews. The Jewish leadership asked him to change the words on the sign. Pilate told them to “go jump” or “words to that effect”.

The Devil – “Satan”

The word/title Satan means adversary, opposition, opponent or one who tries to turn someone off their path, plan, or even life’s work. So, it is logical and more correct to use the term “Satan” with a “prefix-word, or “definite article”, i.e. “The”. In English we can say “The Enemy” or “An Enemy”, rather than just “Enemy”. Although it has become common in English Bible translations to simply say “Satan”, the real meaning “flows” much better as “The Enemy” or “The Adversary”.

“The Satan” is not, as a word description, the same as saying “The Serpent” or “The devil”. But we often hear them used as being almost “synonymous”. But “The Satan” is, technically, a term meaning “The Enemy”, or “The Opponent”, rather than “The Devil”.

The (New Testament) Greek word for Satan, has the value 753. That is three times 251, which is the 54th Prime Number. When we add in the extra Greek Letter “O” (Omicron) to “turn” Satan into “The Satan”, the value jumps by 70, from 753 to 853. 853 is the 143rd Prime Number. When we see “143”, it is at least a hint at the 72 Triplets, where the top row, value 1143 is 143 more than the average value of 1,000 for the 8 rows below the top row. “Factor in” the 54 for the 54th Prime Number, and we are talking about the 72 Triplets in Blocks of 9 and 18, the 216 Letters in the Triplets and the 2160 mile Lunar Radius, plus the 54 Parashot, and the 54 Lights in The Grand Gallery of The Great Pyramid of Giza.

That Pyramid is CLOSELY related to Jesus. Remember that Peter denied Jesus three times, that “The Devil” tempted Jesus in three ways, and took Him to three different locations to do so, that Christianity teaches and baptises via The Trinity, and that Camelot (Joseph of Arimathea, John the Apostle and Jesus’ mother, Maria) was about Triplets.

Christianity “revolves around” a 3-D object, a CUBE. Judaism’s Holy of Holies was a Cube, different Temples, and One Tabernacle, but always a Cube. The Jews were little Cubes on their wrists/arms and foreheads for prayers.

“Keep them before your eyes . . . . .

“You will love the Lord Your God with your whole heart, with your whole nephesh . . . .

The Shema is about CUBES (among other things). Those 2,000 pigs careering down the slope into the water were symbolic of the 2,000 letters in the twice daily recital of The Shema, a thousand letters each time. The thousand letters are the 1,000 cubic cubit volume of the Holy of Holies in Moses’ Tabernacle, and the first 1,000 decimal places or digits of “Pi”.

Those 1,000 digits of Pi point straight at this period in history. They do so, SIX TIMES OVER. The “six times” will become more significant in a few more paragraphs.

God’s “Magic Cube of 42” opearates at the level of Binah, 8 levels above our world. How does God work a 3-D object into a higher dimensional space? We don’t fully understand that – bt God is very good at joining disparate levels of creation together.

The “Square Roots” inside the 72 Triplets sum to 1,000.054. That is the 54 agaain, the 54 that is in The Torah, in the dimensions of The Moon, and got “worked into” The Devil’s name as “The Satan”.

8103 – Three Times The “Universe”, Three “Cubes”

Let’s list all the named individuals who opposed, plotted or took part in Jesus’ arrest, trial and execution. Neither the Centurion nor the Roman soldier who put the spear through Jesus’ heart, are named in the New Testament. Pilate WAS trying to save Jesus, but we will include him “in the list” below. The “list” shows names and the numerical value of the names::

  • Judas Iscariot 2334
    Malchus, with and without BOTH ears, 941
  • Annas 302
  • Caiaphas 733
  • Pontius Pilate 1471
  • Herod Antipas 2232

These numbers, in larger print, are:

Sum 7280 + 733
= 8013

Without Caiaphas “in there”, the total is 7280, ten times 728, a number that has significance in the context of Genesis Creation account, and in the 72 Triplet (72 of them, in 8 Columns, or in 8 Rows).

The 18th word of The Bible, which is the 11th word in Genesis 1:2, has the value 728.

That word is about the Spirit or Breath of God, hovering over, brooding over, or incubating “the waters”. The first verse consists of 7 Words and 28 Letters. There are strong pointers here to the Creation of the Universe, and they are tied to the forces opposed to Jesus. That “kind of figures”, i.e. that the forces of darkness would be after “The Word of God Incarnate”, when we “factor in” that Creation was done via or by, “The Word of God”, the Logos.

The list above is a list of six humans. The “Major plotter” not listed, is “The Satan”.

Adding The Satan, value (in Greek gematria 70 + 753 = 823) takes the “Sum Total” for the Seven Named Plotters, to 8103.

7280 + 823 = 8103

8103 is 3 times 2701. 2701 is the value of Genesis 1:1. It is also a representation (numeric “imagery) of a Single Cube with 27 Smaller Cubes within it. Somehow, or for some reason, the “Dark Side” came at Jesus in a “Triple Attack”. That attack was connected with God’s Magic Cube of 42 at the Heart and Centre of Creation.

The word / Letter Values in Genesis 1:1 (above),
total 2701

God’s Magic Cube of 42 has 27 small Cubes in one Big Cube, much like how we see/tink of, a Rubik’s Cube (above). A Rubik’s Cube has 26 cubes on the outside, and a “pretend” Central Cube that is really a fancy swivel or rotation joint. In God’s Magic Cube of 42, the Central Cube is the 14th Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, which is the Christian symbol, The Fish.

The 27 little Cubes represent the 27 Letters (including the Five “Final Form Letters”) of the Hebrew Alphabet.

The 27 Letters
(unusual layout Left to Right)

Why THREE Cubes against Jesus? Maybe it was connected with Jesus’ Name (Greek) having the value 888. That Name, in one sense, represents THREE Gates or Portals. It is connected with the Christian concept of The Trinity. In turn, The Trinity has links to The Tree of The Sephiroth with Three Columns and Three Horizontal Lines. They, in turn, are connected to the Three times Jesus “crossed the Centreline, dividing Jerusalem into South and North, on the day He died. All his suffering at the hands of His own people happened SOUTH of that line. All his suffering at the hands of the Romans, happened NORTH of that Line

The Triquetra
“Triples were important to early Christians”
So was The Fish at the Centre of Jesus’ 3-d (How else?) CUBE

“God Made” — 3 Times in The Genesis Week

The word(s) (it is One wod in the original Hebrew text of Genesis) “God made” occur THREE times in the Genesis Week. The letters of that one word, when re-arranged, spell out Jesus’ Hebrew Name, Yeshua.

Not everybody in the “plot” or events of the day Jesus died, was out to kill Him. See our next Article/Post about “The Guys Who Tried To Save Jesus.

What Universe was Caiaphas From?

The figures above, the “Triple Universe” figure of 8103 did NOT incluse Caiaphas.

The Satan is in these “universes”, but Caiaphas is NOT. Was he even more evil than the Devil? “Wht planet” was he really from??

More about Caiaphas & The Devil in a future Post . . . .