The Forming & Making of Eve (Chaiyah)

(Eve’s original or inte`nded name was not Eve, which is the English rendition of Havah or Chavah in Hebrew. Her original name was Chaiyah or Haiyah, close to the Hebrew word for Life, from which (evidence for The Tower of Babel story,) the Chinese term Ch’i or Q’i for energy, is derived. )

In a sense, Eve was not a “created being”. Creation in the Biblical contetxt means “creation from nothing”. That creation “creates” something.

That “something” can then be modified by what the Bible calls “Forming”.

When the “Forming” is complete, that is when the Bible account uses the word(s) “Make” or Made”.

Read the Genesis account. You will see that it says that God created man, God formed man, and God made man.

In Eve’s case, God took part of the original Adam, and then transformed it, formed it, to make a woman. Note that there is nothing in the original text about a RIB. The original text speaks of a SIDE, which maybe you can think of as a HALF. But it is way more than a rib.

The Forming and Making of Chaiyah (Eve’s
original name) in Genesis Chapter 2
(Hebrew original tet as dictated by God to Moses)

Verse 2:21 and 112 Triplets

The Name(s) of God used here are the “full blown” double name, value 112 (26 + 86 = 112) that match the 112 Triplets that “orbit” the spinning Magic Cube of 42 at the centre of creation. The 8 corners of God’s Magic Cube have 112 attachment points. for those 112 Triplets.

Those 112 Triplets match the 112th Triangular Number, the fusuion of Torah & Christianity that is the fusuion of Genesis 1: 1 and John 1:1. Those two verses, one in Greek, one in Hebrew, form a Triangle sitting on a Base. That Triangle holds accurate (to several decimal places) values for multiple constants in Science and Mathematics.

The two Divine Names used in verse 21 of Genesis Chapter 2, are the two Divine Names from which or with which, God built the 11-Dimensional Matrix that holds or encloses our 10-D Universe.

In other words, putting it bluntly, God is serious about what follows ! The Making of Eve is tied in with the structure of the Universe and with Creation itself. If she went wrong, as she did, then it was going to take creation down with her. And it did!

God’s Names in Genesis 2: 21

26 + 86 = 112
The 2 Kilobyte, 11 Dimensional, Divine Matrix
is composed of
1820 Tetragrammatons and
228 occurrences of “Elohim”
1820 + 228 = 2048 (2 Kilobytes)
The “228 are distributed carefully with
156 in Genesis
30 in Deuteronomy
and 42 in between
156 represents Joseph (the value of Joseph’s name is 156)
and 30 is (similarly) the value of Judah’s name.
1820 occurs TWICE in the 42 Letter Name
156 – 30 = 126
The value of each of the 6 Faces of God’s Magic Cube of 42 is 126
The 6 faces (6 * 126) sum to 756
which is the Base Length (in Feet) of
The Great Pyramid of Giza
God “loaded” ALL THIS into His account
of how Eve was Made !
She was MEANT TO BE “Very Special”

Genesis 1:1 as The Triangle on Top
John 1:1 as The Base
The 112th Triangular Number

God’s Magic Cube of 42 (below)
The 8 Corners sum to 112

Every face on that Cube, has the value 126. So what is the value of the first word in verse 2:21?

Yes, you guessed it !

6 10 80 30 Total Value is 126
God Fell on ? or
“God caused by falling on” or
“God caused to fall”??

The Holy of Holies in the Temple is a Cube. The veil/curtain to it was torn open by the Earthquake moments after Jesus died. The inauguration of The Tabernacle in Exodus is interrupted by the ritual of the adulterous wife. There is nothing logical to that placement of the story until you graps that Eve committed adultery with the reptilian being.

The ritual takes place where she is close to the Ark of The Covenant and the two Cherubs on its lid. These are symbolic of the two Cherubs guarding the way back to Eden.

The fish is the letter at the centre of the Magic Cube at the heart of Creation. Eve “blew that” when she joined herself to the Serpent like reptilian. All creation went down with her. So Jesus’ death is associated with the Holy of Holies, and with the Cube. The early Christian symbol, now “in vogue” again, was the fish.

Jesus’ mission was about restoring the damage done when Eve gave the most sacred thing in creation, herself, to a reptile.

Jesus’ Hebrew Name took the value of The Serpent’s name (363), and the value of Eve’s original name (23) and combined them as the 386 of Yeshua.

Jesus took that fusuion of 363 plus 23 into the grave with Him.

363 + 23 = 386

The Serpent Joined With Chaiyah = 386
Yeshua = 386
Jesus took the fusion of Eve and The Serpent into the grave with Him

Jesus siad of the people of His day:

This adulterous generation

Jesus was not saying that the Jews of His era were a pack of adulterers. He was talking about the descendants of Eve the adulteress..

Eve’s history is CRITICAL. It is why God opens the story with allusions to The Magic Cube, God’s Magic Cube at the centre of Creation.

So What Fell on The Adam?

We could argue that it was not just the Deep Sleep or Trance that fell on “The Adam”. Maybe it was God too, a touch of The Divine, and the Sacred power of Creation in The Magic Cube of 42, i.e. God’s Magic Cube. But for now, let us stick to the “Trance-Sleep”. The word only occurs in one other part of the Torah. It is in the account of The Covenant Between The Parts/Halves.

That story occurs in the Parashah Lech Lecha That is the ONLY Parashah in the Torah with a Double-Duplicate name. The value (gematria value) of that two word Parashah Title, is “50-50″.

God is “Telling us a lot” about how important and how sacred the bond between male and female was planned and designed to be.

“And He Slept”

As first written, i.e. with no final form on the “Nun”,, i.e. the way God dicated the letters to Moses, the value of the word describing The Adam’s sleeping or trance like state, has the value 376. This is the same value as the word “Shalom”, the word that describes the perfect peace and completeness that comes with, or from, having God and the Divine within us. God meant for the relationship between Man and Woman, to be whole, complete, full of peace, spirituality and the Divine presence, from the first moment God started on “setting it all up”.