Traces of Genesis, Eden, Noah & Babel in Chinese Characters

, China has tended to regard the Bible and the stories built into it as “western” tradition. But Chinese characters say something else – that the Biblical knowledge is also part of Chinese ancient tradition.

Modern China, because of its “one child policy”, and Chinese preference for the “one child” being a boy, has murdered close to 200 million baby girls in the past 50 years. That is Satanic hatred for humanity coming through, loud and clear. Modern China is :Godless”, to the point of trying to provoke retribution from Heaven. Any society that murders 200 million babies and children (and China is getting close to that number) is ASKING to be wiped out.

But it was not always so. The Chinese characters tell the story. The Chinese character for Good is a pictogram of a baby girl “in the home”. The chracters below, relate directly to what is in the Book of Genesis. That connection is plain, no matter how hard modern China wants to deny it.

The Chinese character for Ch’i or Qi,
meaning Energy or Life Force (above)

The Hebrew-Biblical word for Life
Chai (or Hai)
The Chinese word is derived from The Hebrew Word

Tower of Babel – ONE Language !!
Then the SPLIT

The Tree in Tempt or Seduce

Chinese Character for a Boat or Ship
Noah’s Ark !