Creation “Ex Nihilo”

It is a “funny concept”. But it is based on “modern physics” – – modern, as in the past 100 years or so.

German science and technology might just be the best in the world. That is probably “how it is”. The Germans are certainly the best engineers on the planet.

German scientists dominated the development of modern physics and Quantum Mechanics in the early 20th Century. That is just how it it is/was.

Part of that ‘development” was the realisation that the interaction of an observer’s mind with an experiment could have, and did have, an impact on the results of the experiment.

The Torah uses the terms, Creating, Forming and Making. Each of them has a very specific meaning. The term “Creating” in the Torah, means Creation out of NOTHING, i.e. what is often described as “Creation ex Nihilo”.

The {modern physics concept”, perhaps the “extreme end” of the experimental results about the impact of observation, is to think that nothing exists until you can observe it.

In a lot of ways, that seems “logic backwards”. Common sense says that you observe something that exists, i.e. that is why you are able to observe it. The “Biblical model” as laid out in the first word of the Bible, is that applying measures of quality and quantity to an undifferentiated Field, IS the thing that generates “Creation ex Nihilo”.

For more, see the Post about The First Word of The Bible – Part I on this website.

See also, the “Follow-up” Post (Part II) to the same article-Post. That Post covers links to The King Arthur and Holy Grail stories.