Transhumanism & Elecrodes

The spreadsheet is a numerical representation of” the 72 Triplets which God engraved for Adam (Humanity) in Eden. God engraved those 72 Triplets (“Camelot” in an 8 Column, 9 Row array.

The Spreadsheet shows the numeric values of the Hebrew Letters, but laid out in a Nine Column, 8 Row array.

The 3rd Block of 18 Camelot has a total Value of 2584, the same as the Greek values of “Simon Petros Cephas”. Yes, Jesus knew and used these Camelot. They are recorded (coded slightly) in Exodus 14: 19-21 (original Hebrew text, not the translations into other languages).

What is in that Spreadsheet is deep and complex. But in very brief summary, that third Block, value 2584, is split into three sections.

These sections have values 1024, 536 and 1024.

The two “Kilobyte” Blocks represent the values of the number of corners or vertices in a Ten Dimensional Universe, and the identical number of “corners” in the 11th Dimension Matrix in which the Ten Dimensional Universe sits.

In between, in other words, as far out as the edge of the Universe, is the value of human understanding, multiplied 8 times over. It operates 8 levels above the world we normally perceive in our day to day lives — or so says the Genesis account of Creation, and so so other parts of the Bible IF you can see past the surface text.

Trying to plug us into some sort of electronic grid HAS to have limitations. Our minds and thoughts are not confined to our brains. If you believe that you have fallen for the “Pavlov’s Dogs” idiocy that humans are no more than a “Stimulus-Response” organism.

Hooking people up to electrodes, trying to turn them into “electronic cyborgs”, all of that is “experimentation”. The “proverbial THY” do not know what they are doing. They are just trying thigs, hoping that they will come up with a world in which everything and everybody, is 100% controlled and managed. This is 19th C “ideology”, a lot of it German, “gone mad”. We may be able to have a perfect society. But the control comes from within, from where good overcomes evil. This is what Jesus suffered and died to get us.

He did not die the way He did, if the benefits were just as, or more easily available, by implanting a CPU in everyone’s brain, and a tracking & Credit Card chip in everyone’s wrist.

The “shortcut” doesn’t work. That is what a lot of witchcraft is about. They want the “power”, but not the “God bit” that goes with it.

We are more than that — or at least most of us are!

We were made in the image of God. Our minds can travel to the edge of the universe – and beyond!