Mind Control Technology — according to the President of Chile

For a stunning update on the “Read Write” capability of current (2021) Mind Reading and Mind Influencing technology, listen to Dr. Joseph P. Farrell in one of his regular podcasts, News and Vuews From The Nefarium, May 6, 2021. Dr. Farrell is an Oxford Ph.D, an expert in “Patristics”, the study of early church “Fathers” and their writings. His writing and research is built around written records, material that he can footnote and reference. In this case, he is relyying on material made public by the current President of Chile.

One of the many significant points he raises in this podcast, is that the technology now exists to use any electronic network, e.g, home computers, the internet and cell phones, to reach into people’s minds.

The “Transhumanist” agenda to pass all human to human communication through cell phones and the internet, is part of the agenda to make people part of an electronic grid. Some of us may suspect that the COVID lockdowns have limited the amount of direct human to human contact. The impact of the lockdowns includes the fact that many more of us are now working from home. We are in touch with friends and family via electronic means way more than we used to be.

The isolation keeps us away from potential infections. But not everyone copes with the change. The social isolation bothers some people. But it must delight those who want to record every thought people communicate to others electronically.

Dr. Farrell cites a book written decades ago by a US academic — about using “psychic” means to control the US population. The book title was The Psychic Control of America.