Maurice Maeterlinck

Maurice Maeterlinck ( is the Belgian/Flemish author, playwright and Nobel Prize winner, whose work included a play that made “remarkable” predictions about the JFK Assassination, two years before JFK was born.

JFK & Allen Dulles
Dulles tried to drag the USA into a nuclear exchange that would destroy both the USA and the USSR. The “motivation” was Nazi. The Nazis wanted revenge on the USSR for the hundreds of millions of rapes of German women at the end of World War II. The planned revenge was the complete anihilation of anything and everything Russian from off the face of the Earth. The USA was to be sacrificed as “colateral damage”, just a factor in achieving the planned “revenge”. Dulles and his CIA pals were working for the Nazis, whose military intelligence organisation, headed by General Reinhard Gehlen, was effectively, the “Soviet Desk” of the CIA. Dulles and his cohorts were traitors. The US Generals were too stupid to see that the intelligence data they were getting about the Russian nuclear capability on Cuba was grossly understated. It was deliberately understated by the Nazis who were (1961 !!) supplying the CIA’s intelligence data. JFK saw through the plot. The Generals did not do so. They went along with the plot to assassinate JFK as a traitor, too stupid to see that it was the traitors who wanted to remove JFK. Maeterlinck anticipated a lot of the complex plot – the motorcade, the double agents, the grassy knoll, the alias that the “fake” Lee Oswald would use as one of his main cover IDs. He was working to try to foil the plot. But he became the patsy. Dulles got to run the Warren Commission. One of the major players in the plot became a key player in the cover-up.

Maeterlinck’s stage plays were the ones with the links to Operation Bluebird mentioned in one of our earlier Posts.

Operation Bluebird was the CIA’s first (that we know of( mind control projects (experiments).