The “Magnificent Cat” – Interlinear version from

Generations of Catholic children thought they were learning something about a “Magnificen Cat”. What they were really learning was a Gospel passage, known in The Catholuc Church as The Magnificat. For the “straight Greek” (no English translation) of this passage from Luke’s Gospel, Chapter 1, See the Post about Maria’s Magnificat on this website.

The passage is also known as Mary’s Song.

The Greek Interlinear Text shown on this page is from

Biblehub’s webpage of Lu`ke Chapter 1

Mary’s Prayer – The Magnificat

She is nothing like the way religious idiocy and superstition have portrayed her. She was very happily married, the product of a well designed and well planned education program. She was identified, from birth as the mother of the coming Messiah. So she was educated and trained in the Tanach and Torah learning so as to be able to train her son. Her husband was selected for the same role – he was NOT just some simple carpenter. The “building business” was his “trade”, his “day job”. But he was also a brilliant Torah scholar. That is why he was selected for “his mission”.

But he was more than just the choice of the religious community with its links to Qumran. He was also Maria’s choice. He was much older than Maria. But he was HER choice too. She genuinely loved him. He died, but she did not. Her love for him has never died.

She was the perfect foil for fallen Evem the perfect “Eshet Chayil”, the perfect human and Jewish wife.

She was, and is, important. Her words MATTER!