Eve: A Cheating Slut: She Was Way Worse Than The Account in Genesis Lets On

“This Adulterous Generation”

Jesus referred to “this adulterous generation”. He was not talking about only the people of His era approximately 2,000 years ago. Jesus was talking about the children/descendants of Adam & Eve. Jesus has 42 generations attributed to Him at the start of Matthew’s Gospel. But the generations listed, 14, 14 and 13 generations, only “add up” to 41 generations.

When Jesus came out of the grave, He became the 42nd generation. Eve was euphemistically called the “mother of all living”. What was politely omitted was that Eve was the mother of all living beings who were destined to die. Eve was the mother of mortlity. She was the Pandora who had opened the lid to let loose death and suffering. She was WAY WORSE than the Genesis story indicates in its “surface text”. She was a “cross species adulteress”, a cheating slut who was “into” bestiality if we apply the real meaning of her actions to her story. She was BAD!

Christianity has “the fix”. The fix starts with Jesus’ mother Maria. She gave birth to the Messiah. She was not the charicature that relious sentimentality has turned her into – the woman with the silly look on her face who never manages to stand up straight. That “joke” is partly the embodiment of religious ideas about an ancient Meditteranean godess. But it has also been distorted so as to keep people away from the truth about Maria, including that she was highly educated and happily married. OF COURSE she was educated – she was to be the mother of the Messiah. He was to learn a lot from His Mother. He was not intended, by either God or Man, to be a “dumbo”.

Maria studied Torah and other scripture. Eve skipped the study, and tried to get her knowledge from her Reptile of a Guru.

Eve was a disaster. And her lovestruck husband was too smitten with her to give her up. He stayed with her. And then he found out the horrible truth of how she had betrayed him. He had nothing to do with her for 130 years. Their descendants got them to reconcile.

In the last days before His death, Jesus had to deal with an adulteress. He forgave her. But there was a condition with the forgiveness. She was to stop the life of sin.

In a sense that life of sin began with Eve. That is why adultery and an adulteress come into the story of Jesus’ last days in Jerusalem before His death to atone for humanity’s sin.

Eve has had a “bad name” and a bad image in western society/tradition. The reality of what she did is even worse than her proverbial “bad image”. What she did was horrific. All the wars, all the heartbreak, all the deaths, all the child molesting, all the starvation, all the poverty — ALL of that flows from Eve’s fusion with evil. This is why Maria, the origin point of “the fix”, as mother of the Messiah, is so important.

It is because of how important Maria is, that she has been depicted as the fantasy religious charicature seen in religious art. She is the fix and the “opposite” to/for Eve’s adultery and weakness for alcohol. Jesus incorporated food and wine *the Communion Service) into Christianity as a “fix” for Eve’s boozy meal with the Serpent.

The Boozing Cheating Adulterous Slut

f you ever wondered why some humans have terrible problems with alcohol, you may find some answers here. Thankfully, only some people have a problem with alcohol.

But the problem runs deep. It goes back a LONG WAY, right back to Eve of “Adam and Eve” fame. Alcohol was part of her downfall. Her real story is way uglier, but also way simpler than what gets “peddled” in churches. But when you “dig” into the Torah, you will understand why Jesus introduced The Communion Service.

You will also understand why He introduced the Communion Service of “Bread and Wine”, the night before He took the fusion of Eve and The Serpent, into the grave with Him.

So where do we start?

Let’s begin with Eve’s original name “Chaiyah” and its connection with Jesus’ Hebrew Name Yeshua.

Eve’s original name was NOT EVe. She was Chaiyah. Her original name is related to the word for life “Chai”, or “Hai”. The Chinese word Ch’i or Qi is related to and derived from the original name/word “Chai”.

Chai (Hai) = Life

Chaiyah (Eve’s original name)
Name Value 23

Eve (Chavah). Name Value 19
Her Name/Software was downgraded. The Yod in her original name was replaced by a Vau

Ha’Nahash (The Serpent)
Name Value 363

The values of “Chaiyah” (23) and The Serpent (363) sum to 386.

23 + 363 = 386

Jesus’ Hebrew Name has the same value as the combination of Chaiyah

and The Reptilian Being IThe Serpent).

Yeshua Jesus’ Hebrew Name
Name Value 386

Jesus took the fusion of Chaiyah & The Reptilian into the grave with Him. How tight was the “fusion” between Eve andThe Serpent ? It was total. They were “One”, just as the Genesis account describes the intended planned sexual bond between Adam and Eve. Eve joined herself with The Serpent rather than her husband. The surfac text does not spell it out, but the ugly reality is there when you dig into the text. She lied to Adam, deceiving him about what she had done. When he found out the horrible truth, he separated from her as the Genesis story recounts. He wanted nothing more to do with her. It was some of their descendants who pressured their two ancestors into a reconciliation, 130 years later.

The Torah does not always present things in chronological order. Things are sometimes recounted in what appears to be “random order”. But there is nothing random about The Torah. It was not cobbled together by a committee. It was dictated, letter by letter, by God to Moses. Every letter is where it is for a reason. The Torah is the most sophisticated database, software and data, on Earth. No computer system that we have, no amount of “AI” software could weave together the stories with the complex mathematics and science that is in The Torah.

The “anomalies” in the order of the stories are there “for a reason”. One of those anomalies is the ritual for the wife suspected of adultery.

Eve Cheated on Her Fiance

Eve betrayed Adam while they were still engaged, i,e, before the wedding. a Biblical engagement was much stronger than the commitment involved in a modern western engagement. What Eve did was, by Biblical and Torah definition, by God’s definition, ADULTERY.

Jesus’ mother Maria was (falsely) accused of doing what Eve did to Adam to her future husband and fiance, Joseph. The “reversal” between the two women is VERY SYMBOLIC. One was good. The other chose evil. Maybe Eve-Chaiyah WAS genuinely evil. The “call” on that is God’s, not Man’s. But much of creation has suffered because of Eve’s sin. She was the Pandora who opened the box that brought so much suffering into this world.

Chaiyah (Eve) was “religious”. She wanted spiritual knowledge, and maybe, the power that came with that knowledge. “The Serpent” of Eden was not, initially at least, a snake that slithered on the ground. He was a biped. He was a reptilian (of some sort) biped. He walked and talked. He had spiritual knowledge. Eve wanted that knowledge. The Reptilian Being became Chaiyah’s ‘Guru”. He became her spiritual teacher and adviser.

They socialised. Her logic was screwed up. She misquoted God’s instructions. If you eat something, you normally have to touch it first. You put it on the plate. Or you lift it to your mouth to eat it. But Eve had “eating first”, which was then followed by touching. It made little sense, just as her behaviour made little sense. She was engaged. She should have been learning spiritual knowledge off and with her future husband. But she was off with The Reptilian. They ate together. She got drunk. They had sex. It was that simple – no “apple”, just food, alcohol and illicit sex. She destroyed creation to get what she wanted.

The Sotah Ritual

The Ritual of The Adulterous Wife, i.e. of the Wife suspected of Adultery is about Eve.

The Sotah Ritual is in Parashah Naso. Parashah Naso is comprised of Numbers 4: 21 – 7:89. The Parashah has 176 verses, making it the largest Parashah in the Torah. The 176 is connected with the 176″ height, breadth and width of the Holy of Holies in Moses’ Tabernacle. The 1,760 yards in a Mile are connected to the 17.6″ Cubit. A Mile has/had 3600 of those ancient Cubit. Those 3600 Cubits per Mile are tied to the 360 Degrees in a Circle. This is because on the ancient Earth, which was smaller than our modern Earth, the Cubits of 17.6″ made it easy to convert from degrees around the Earth to distance travelled.

Naso is the 35th Parashah in in the annual cycle, which is made up of 54 Parashot. These 54 Parashot match the 54 Lights that were (are) in The Grand Gallery of The Great Pyramid.

. The 35th layer of The Great Pyramid is the “double thickness layer. Matching that, the 35th verse of the Torah is the first verse with the Double Divine Name (“YHVH Elohim”, value 112. The 112 links to the 112th Triangular Number, which is equal to the sum of the values of Genesis 1:1 & John 1:1. Thhis sum represents accurate values for “pi” and the “Expenential Constant”, and of The Fine Structure Constant. The Fine Structure Constant HAS TO BE accurate to over 50 decimal places, otherwise the Universe would collapse or blow apart. The “expenential Constant” is also known as “Euler’s Constant”. It is an essenial part of the solution to many Differential Equations related to Electrical circuits and Fluid Dynamics.

God’s “Double Name” Value 112
Occurs For TheFirst Time in Verse 35 of The Torah

The “112 Triplets” attach to the 8 corners of God’s Magic Cube of 42, at the heart of creation. The implication of these links to 112 and the 35th verse of The Torah, is that the Naso reading is VERY important. The Sotah Ritual takes up a large portion of Parashah Naso.

The 112th Triangular Number which is the fusion
of Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 — a figurative fusion of
Judaism and Christianity, value 6328,
a transpose of 2368, which is Moses’ “birth year” and the value of the Name Jesus Christ in the Greek New Testament

The ritual DOES read like a load of superstitious nonsense. But there is logic to it. The wife suspected of adultery is taken to the Temple/Tabernacle grounds. There, she is in proximity to the Holy of Holies, which houses(s) the Ark of The Covenant. On the lid of The Ark of The Covenant, are two Cherubs, symbolic of the Two Cherubs who guard the way back to Eden.

The world into which humanity was created was a 10 Dimensional world. The mathematics of Quantum Mechanics and Relativity tells us that our world REALLY STILL IS Ten Dimensional. But we have lost contact (or most of us have) with 5 out of the 10 Dimensions.

This is the Expulsion from Eden. We lost contact with 5 of the 10 Dimensions in our Universe. The way back, or the path back, is there, a tiny point of light between those two cherubs of gold on the lid of The Ark.

One of the reasons for the Ritual of The Adulterous Wife is to tell us what Eve really did. She commited Adultery with The Serpent. She took humanity (her “children” and almost all life in our universe, “down the gurgler” with her.

A Biblical/Middle Eastern engagement is much stronger than a modern western engagement. What Eve did was Adultery. This is part of the reason Maria (Mary) was accused (wrongly) of doing what Eve had done.