Noah: The Hopeless Raging & Abusive Alcoholic. “Bible History” As It REALLY Was!

If you ever wondered why some humans have terrible problems with alcohol, you may find some answers here. Thankfully, only some people have a problem with alcohol.

But the problem runs deep. It goes back a LONG WAY, right back to Eve of “Adam and Eve” fame. Alcohol was part of her downfall. Her real story is way uglier, but also way simpler than what gets “peddled” in churches. But when you “dig” into the Torah, you will understand why Jesus introduced The Communion Service.

the Bible speaks positively about the benefits of a little wine.St Paul advises it as an aid to digestion. But the misuse of alcohol, and addiction to it, are disasters. One alcoholic can inflict so much damage on a family that the ill-effects can last generations. Part of Eve’s downfall was alcohol. Jesus incorporated wine into the Communion Service as a way of off-setting the damage done through alcohol.

One of the greatest boozers in history, was the hopeless alcoholic, Noah. Maybe he had his reasons. But he was horrendous, lying around drunk and starkers, farting and worse on the bedclothes. He reads like a character in a Billy Conolly comedy script. But it was all real. And we are all still living with the after effects of Noah and the first born grandson Noah hated so much.

Noah’s Ark went Through A Portal?

The Dimensions of Noah’s Ark are 300, 50 and 30 Cubits. If we add in the 6 (value of the Hebrew “and” (the letter Vau)), we are looking at dimensions that sum to 386. This is the value of Jesus’ Hebrew Name, Yeshua.

The Dimensions are a hint that Noah, the boat, the animals, and Noah’s family, went through some sort of portal, which was opened by Jesus, or at least by the power of Jesus’ Name.

The period when Noah and his family is clear from modern archaeology and modern history. It was only a few tousand years ago. The modern racial history, tribe and city names jive wit the names of Noah’s descendants.

Noah and his family did not experience a long period on the Ark. But that does not mean that the time that passed on Earth was as short as what Noah and his family experienced while they were away from Earth and on the other side of a time portal. Remember that God’s calculation for the age of the universe, as given to Moses, is 15.3 Billion years.

This is the reason for Jesus’ miraculous catch (by the Apostles) of 153 “large fish” at the end of the Gospels. Even if the fundamentalists want to tell you that the universe is 6,000 years old, that is not what God told Moses. It is not what jesus indicated when He was cooking breakfast for the Apostles by the Sea of Galilee.

So WHO are you going to believe? God & Jesus, or a bunch of Fundamentalist Bible Thumpers? You should put your money on God and His Son, rather than on those who claim to represent God, no how nice and sincere the Fundamentalists may be. (They are not all mad and bad. Some of them ARE sincere. But their knowledge of the Bible has some limitations.)

When Noah came off the boat, everything and everyone that he had known was now long gone, probably millions of years (at least) in the past. He produced alcohol as fast ashe could grow the grapes. As soon as he had the vino, he started “writing himself off” as often as he could. He was “plastered”, horribel, and disgusting. And maybe he had several other issues beside losing the world he had once known.

Maybe he was unhappy over the generations of our genetic cousins, who had lived on Earth while he was “away” and had then been wiped out in several other floods that were “Extinction Level Events”.

Maybe he had lost his trust in God because of all those thousands and thousands of years of history that had cometo nothing?

But even if he had not yet wandered the Earth to find all those monuments and records, he had something right there at home that he hated and longed to kill – his firtst born grandson. Noah did want to murder the kid. But like most drunks he was unning. He knew his family would turn against him if he went that far. So he just got plastered and abused the kid he hated while he (Noah) was drunk. The booze was his “cover story”. But deep down, he HATED the kid. And the “kid”, Canaan, HATED his “alky” abusive grandfather,

Ancient Sumeria and Early Human Spaceflight

Genesis Chapter 6 describes “Nephilim” (“Fallen Ones” coming to Earth and fathering children from human mothers.

Regardless of wether those Nephilim were “E.T.’s” or fallen angels, they were enough like us to father half-human childre. This is the same story as the Greek Gods legends.

What is the difference between beings from pace who are genetically close enough to us to father half human children, and the implication that we have “genetic couins” out in the universe?


The Pervert Kid With No Human Soul?