John 1:1 & Differential Calculus
The first verse of John’s Gospel says that “God was the Word”. The mathematics in the verse say the same thing. The maths points straight at the Mathematical Constant “e”, the base of the “Natural” or “Napierian” Logarithm.
The numerics of the verse give a value for “e” accurate to several decimal places. The Exponential Series is “special”. For instance, its Differential is itself. The Mathematics is equating The “Word of God” (the rate of vibration, or change – the “words) and God. All VERY fancy!
Eve’s Words When She Gave Birth To Cain
Cain is spelled with a C in English. In Hebrew, it starts with a QOPH, equivalent to a European “Q”. The first word (on the right end of the graphic) sounds like “Qinithi” = “I have gained”. Eve was prophesying when she said these words. She was also making it clear that she (not God) was “the main event”. She has God as the object of the verb. In other words, she was “running the show” — and God was secondary.
EVe prophesied about one of her reincarnation, and the husband she was going to have in a future life. She also prophesied about The Great Pyramid of Giza.
Eve’s “Genius Level” Words
The first letters of the 4 words Eve spoke when Cain was born are Qoph, Aleph, Aleph, and Yod. The values are 100, 1, 1 and 10. They sum to 112.
100 + 1 + 1 + 10 = 112
She was talking about the 112 Triplets, which attach to God’s Magic Cube of 42. They are tied to God’s “Double Name” in the 35th verse of the Bible. This in turn matches the Double Height/Thickness stones in the 35th layer of The Great Pyramid. Eve WAS an adulteress. (One of the reasons that Jesus described the descendants of Adam and Eve, as “This adulterous generation”.
YES, she was an adulteress. But she was ANYTHING BUT Stupid. She knew about The Great Pyramid.
The value of The 112th Triangular Number is 6328, a transpose of 2368 which is the value of the year (2368 HC) in which Moses was born. It is also the value of of “Jesus Christ” in the (Greek) New Testament
Eve hit some more “winners” in 4 short words:
The last letters of those 4 words are Yod, Shin, Tau, and Heh. The values of those letters are 10, 300, 400 and 5. They total 715.
10 + 300 + 400 + 5 = 715
715 is the 22nd “Chashmal Number”. Chashmal Numbers generate the dimensions of The Great Pyramid, Jesus’ Hebrew Name, the number of players in a Cricket Match (the game is derived from the Bible), and (among other things), part of the “11 Dimensional Divine Matrix”, in which our 10-Dimensional Universe sits. (The mathematics of Quantum Mechanics and Relativity say what Genesis says — that our Universe is 10 Dimensional.(
The 5th Chashmal Number is 35, pointing straight at the 35th verse of the Bible (where God’s Name, value 112 occurs for the first time), and at the 35th layer of the Great Pyramid. That “Double Layer” is the 176th layer from the top of The Great Pyramid. It points straight into The Holy of Holies, dimensions 176 inches in all 3 Dimensions. This, (The Holy of Holies) is where Eve wanted to get. But she wanted to do it through her adultery with The Serpent, rather than with her fiance/future husband.
There are 54 sections in The Torah. The longest section (“Parashah”) has 176 verses. The 54 “Parashot” match the 54 Lights in The Grand Gallery of The Great Pyramid/ The 176 verse Parashah is the one that makes it plain that Eve was an adulteress.
112 + 715 = 827
(144th Prime #)
/Eve & The Great Pyramid
he value of The First and Last Letters of Eve’s 4 words after Cain’s birth, is 827. The total value of the words is 1308. That leaves a difference for the “internal letters” of 481. The height of The Great Pyramid in feet, is 481.
827 + 481 = 1308
Eve was “angling” for “Spiritual Ascent” or “Enlightenment”, symbolised by The Great Pyramid.
The Height of The Great Pyramid, the 481; 3″ is 5775″. This is 210 27.5″ Cubits – the Cubit used in both Ezekiel’s futute Temple, and in The Great Pyramid. This is the same Cubit “hinted at” in Jesus’ walking on the water at 27.5 “Stadia” from shore (either 25 or 30 Stadia, mid-point of the estimate being 27.5. We ARE MEANT TO USE our minds when we read the Scriptures!
210 is yet another “Chasmal Number“.
481 Feet In The 72 Triplets
Look at Row 5 of The 72 Triplets, Left Four Triplets, values 61, 118, 275 and 27.
61 + 118 + 275 + 27 = 481
The Right Four Triplets in the same (5th) Row, have values (Right to Left) of 24, 43, 126 and 94. These values sum to 287.
24 + 43 + 126 + 94 = 287
The total value of the Row is 768.
287 + 481 = 768
John 1:1 First Letters
There are 17 “Words” (3 of them are single letters) in John 1:1. Those 3 letters (Omicron) each have the value 70, with a total value for the three letters being 210. This is the Height (in 27.5″ Cubits) of the Great Pyramid.
3 * 70 = 210
210 Cubits = 481′ 3″
which is 5775″
5775″ is 3300″ less than 9075″ (the
Base Length of The Pyramid’s square grid
and exact length of the Base of the Southern side of The Pyramid)
The 3300 matches Jesus’ age (33) when He was executed, and the first 33 letters of The Torah. Those 33 letters are the 11 Triplets in the 26 Triplets, which in turn, are part of The 112 Triplets attached to God’s Magic Cube of 42.
Those 33 Letters (11 Triplets) form the 77th Triangular Number, matching Jesus’ 77 Generations in Luke’s Gospel.
The mathematics in the numbers and in the “figurate geometry” is VERY precise. Eve “homed in” on it. Her intentions in doing so were not good. But she was clearly very, very smart, and highly psychic. In everyday language, she was a very gifted witch. She was also, obviously, a whiz at the mathematics.
Now let us look at the first letters in John 1:1. We will count those three “stand alone Omicrons” as the first letters of 3 of the 17 words/
The values of the 17 letters are 5, 1, 8, 70, 30, 20, 70, 30, 8, 80, 300, 9, 20, 9, 8, 70, 30. They sum to 768.
John 1:1 is about “Differential Calculus” and The Exponential Constant, base of The Natural Logarith, having correlations with the Gospel-Christian concept of Jesus being The Word of God Incarnate.
And here is Eve, basically “sticking it to God” honing in on all this and the Great Pyramid. She was BAD, but she was BRILLIANT.
Sub Total 114
Sub Total 517
Sub Total 137
768 Grand Total
In other words, The First Letters of John 1:1 are pointing to the Row in The 72 Triplets (wich God engraved for Adam) which contain the 481 (feet) Height of The Great Pyramid.
In turn Eve “locked on” to the same 481 Foot and The Great Pyramid, when she attempted to put God where she wanted – i.e. in second place behind her.
This “interaction” between God and Eve, and the Great Pyramid, “plays out” in John 1:1. That verse, with Genesia 1:1, contains the Mathematical constants “Pi”, Eurler’s Constant also known as The Exponential Constant, which is the base of the Natural Logarith, and “Alpha” The Fine Structure Constant. That Constant HAS TO BE precise to over 50 decimal places, or the Universe is destroyed.
Eve “locked in on this level of science and mathematics. She was an adulteress, a “boozer”, with no loyalty to God or her husband. She was after occult power. That “combo” probably makes her a power hungry immoral witch. But SHE WAS ALSO VERY VERY SMART and GIFTED. The girl was HIGHLY INTELLIGENT.
She was playing around with the 144th Prime Number, and God’s Magic Cube of 42 at the Heart of Creation — and the 112 Triplets (Camelot) attached to it.
The Row in the 72 Triplets with total value 768 is composed of 8 Triplets. One set of 4 Triplets has the vale 481. The other four have the value 287, linked to the 28 Letters and 7 Words of Genesis 1:1.
Jesus used that 287 in the 72 Triplets when He named Simon Peter Cephas. John Dee, the man who was the first “007” (four centuries ago) got the 7 in “007” from that same 28 Letter 7 Word Verse.
Polynesian Creation Accounts are built on the same Mathematics. They brought those stories from The Middle East to the Pacific islands.
John 1:1 Overall Value
The overall value of John 1:1 is 3627. This is 827 more than 2800, The 2800 hundred is an abvious pointer to the 28 letters of Genesis 1:1 which are so closely tied to John 1:1. The 827 is the total value (above) of the first and last letters of Eve’s 4 words. Those first and last letters “wrap around” the Height of The Great Pyramid.
The 2800 is also a reference to the Feeding(s) of the 5,000 and the 4,000 in The Gospels. There were 9,000 people fed in those two miracles, a pointer at the MATRIX, value of the word being 900, in which our 10-D Universe “sits” That is the same 11-D Matrix that is there in the First word of The Bible so linked to 9/11.
The Miracle of The 5,000 is described in all 3 Gospels. The Miracle of the 4,000 is in 2 Gospels. So the accounts describe, in total, 28,000 people. The 28,000 less 9,000 is a difference of 19,000 a hint at Eve, value 19, and a Cube (12 Edges, 6 Faces and a Centre).
The 12 Baskets and 7 Large Baskets, are the Letters of The Hebrew Alphabet: 12 Simple Letters and 7 Double Letters. They are also the 12 Diagonal Lines, and the 7 Vertical Lines in IThe Tree of The Sepiroth,
The 7 Double Letters match the 7 Words in Genesis 1:1. The 28 Letters match the 2800 which is 827 (the 144th (144 = 12 * 12) Prime Number) less than the 3627 value of John 1:1.
3627 – 827 = 2800
The “mathematics” ties Eve, The Pyramid, and John 1:1 to CUBES.
A Cube has 12 Edges, plus 6 Faces and a Centre — 7 “components).
The Holy of Holies in the Temple was torn open by the Earthquake just after Jesus died. The same quake split the rock in which Jesus’ cross was inserted. The split in the rock let the blood from Jesus’ Heart, flow onto the top of The Ark of The Covenant in the Cave below Jesus’ cross.
Between the two cherubs on the lid of The Ark was the portal back into Eden, the glowing point of light, “guarded” by the two Cherubs as the Eden account describes.