Maria vs Eve

Maria’s first recorded words (in The Bible) are in her conversation with the Archangel Gabriel, i.e. the Angel of the Strength (Geburah-Geverah) of God (EL or AL).

Eve;s first recorded words are from her conversation with The Serpent.

Maria’s Conversation With The Angel Gabriel

Luke Chapter 1 Extract:
Archangel Gabriel’s
Conversation With Maria

Maria Talks To The Archangel Gabriel

Her Question To Archangel Gabriel

Luke 1:34 Interlinear
Maria Speaks 7 Words

Maria’s Full Verbal (to Gabriel) Acceptance of Her “Mission”

(Luke 1:38 Biblehub .com, Greek Interlinear. Maria spoke 10 Words.

Maria’s “Magnificat”

Maria’s Words At Her Cousin Elizabeth’s and Zacharias’ Home

Luke 1:46

Maria spoke 6 Words.

Luke 1:47

Maria spoke 11 Words.

Luke 1:48

Maria spoke 18 words.

Luke 1:49

Maria spoke 11 Words.

Luke 1:50

Maria spoke 10 Words.

Luke 1:51

Maria spoke 11 Words.

Luke 1:52

Maria spoke 7 Words.

Luke 1:53

Maria spoke 7 Words.

Luke 1:54

Maria spoke 6 Words.

Luke 1:55

Maria spoke 15 Words.

In The Magnificat”, Maria spoke 102 Words:

Sum (6, 11, 18, 11, 11, 10, 7, 7, 6, 15) is 102. 102 is the value of the Hebrew word for FAITH, “Amonah”, which is connected to the word Amen.

(The number of letters in the “Sanskrit Alphabet” is 51, matching the number of petals on the lower Six (out of Seven) Chakras. The Perals (letters) on the 12 lower Chakras in a Man and a Woman is also thus 102. The “link” between Hebrew and Sanskrit is real. Abraham’s teaching reached India, especially via the Asherim,

The “Asherim” are the family of one of Abraham and Keturah’s (Hagar’s) grandsons. (This is not the same guy as Abraham

s great grandson, The Biblical patriarch of one of the 12 Tribes of Israel.

Indians still go to “The Ashram” for spiritual and advanced knowledge today.

The Biggest Paedophiles Club on Earth

WHY would people trust a Paedophile Club to give them an accurate picture of what Jesus’ mother is like? It sounds TOTALLY STUPID – yet HOW MANY people believe the Church-Religious fantasies about what Mariam (Maria, Mary, Miriam) is like? Two Billion people? Or More?

Maria, like Keturah-Hagar was VERY MUCH about LOVE and Romance. Jesus was the product of one of the greatest love stories in history. Yes, that is contrary to a lot of western “myths” and religious fantasies. But face the truth. That terrible truth is, that despite so so many wonderful western churchmen, a lot of the myths about Maria have been promulgated by an often homosexual paedophile network. That network or networks(those) have infiltrated Christian church leadership positions. The Catholic Church gets more publicity thn other “Paedophile Clubs”, but they are NOT the only one. The Catholic Church is the Church with the most money. So they are the one that attracts the most court cases. But the perverts have gotten into all the churches just as they have into youth organisations.

Child Abuse in Jesus’ Name – AND IN ‘MARY’S NAME

/The Catholic Church, more than any other group, has done ITS CHILD MOLESTING under the guise and name/cover of Jesus’ mother. A bunch of perverts have used her as their pretext and cover to get access to children. It has always been pure evil. It still is.

DYKE child Molesters Who Hunt Children In Karl Marx’s Name

And if you think that child molesting is just a male and churchy thing, you are in “fantasy land”. There is an English speaking British Commonwealth “nation” where many of the paedophiles are God hating Dykes. They are protected under the name/cover of “Womens Rights”.

Amonah (Faith)
Value of the letters is 102
Maria spoke 102 Words in

her “Magnificat”

One of the things Jesus often spoke about and talked about was Faith. His mother, no surprise, “encapsulated” the Hebrew concept of Faith (Amonah) in her Magnificat.

Maria Questions 12 Year Old Jesus

(Luke 2:48, Greek Interlinear. Maria spoke 13 words.)


Eve’s Recorded Words

Eve spoke 26 words that are recorded in the Torah. The Serpent spoke 26 words to her. To some extent, Eve and The Serpent spoke “in lockstep” with each other, at least re the number of words they spoke. But note that only 19 of the words recorded out of Eve’s 26 recorded words, were spoken to The Serpent. She later spoke (or answered) 3 words to God. And she spoke (or “mothed off” another 4 words when Cain was born. Th Half the Goths don’t mess with me nowose 7 words were prophetic, re the current (early 21st Century) period in history. (a LONG story).

Eve’s Reply to the Serpent

Eve’s reply to The Serpent is spread over two verses, Genesis @:2 and Genesis 2:3. She speaks 4 words in Genesis 2:2, and 15 words in Genesis 2:3.

. Across those two verses, she spoke a total of 19 words to The Serpent. The value of her “post Fall” name,Eve, is 19.

Chavah, Havah, Eve
8 + 6 + 5 = 19

Comparing Maria’s Conversations With Eve’s Conversations

are you male all
Maria’s First Recorded Conversation is with an AngelEve’s First RecordedConversation is with The Serpent
Maria speaks 132 WordsEve speaks 26 Words (She wants to be God, (value 26 for the 4-Letter Name), which is (ALSO) the last word/Name Eve is recorded as saying)
Maria questioned Archangel Gabriel, and then fully accepted what God/Heaven had asked her to do.Eve misquoted God’s words when she spoke to the Serpent.
She spoke three words in answer to God’s question, and they “ran deep” — linked to The 42 Letter Name
and the “Secret Pathway” in The 72 Triplets, and toThe Window into it from within The 42 Letter Name.
Her last 4 recorded words had her as “the main event” and God as the recipient/object of her actions.
Maria spoke 132 words – matching the First and Last Triplets (Values 46 + 86 = 132) in the Final Row of The 72 TripletsEve’s last 4 words recorded in The Torah, begin with the word QINITHI (I have acquired), value 570. This is the value of Columns 2-7 in the same Final row, (702 = 132 + 570) that Maria’s 132 words point to –i.e. in the “Spreadsheet” of The 72 “Camelot” (Triplets).
Maria’s words are about Faith, Gratitude, “magnifying” and honouring God, working WITH God rather than against God (Eve’s “caper”.)Eve’s last recorded 4 words have the value 1308 (570, 311, 401, 26).

The First and Last Letters of the 7 Words of Genesis 1:1 (The Uni-Verse) are
(2, 2, 1, 1, 5, 6, 5)
(400, 1, 40, 400, 40, 400, 90), i
.e. 22 and 1373, summing to 1393.

The “internal” Letters of Genesis 1:1 are thus, 1308
(since 1393 + 1308 = 2701 (the value of Genesis 1:1).
Eve was after control of the Universe!
When Jesus “stayed in ‘Torah Central” (among the Torah teachers and scolars), Maria and Joseph, according to the New Testament, did not understand His words. “Excuse me!?”
They were both brilliant Torah scholars who had heard the prophecies about Jesus, who had had to flee to Alexandria because of the murderous Herod who had toddlers massacred — and they are supposed to be so thick that they cannot understand what any churchgoer can comprehend. No, there is “hidden meaning” in Jesus’ words — and the meaning is about this (current) time in history — and Eve’s predictions about her future reincarnation in our era.She incarnated in 1958. Jesus predicted her coming, but in code – a code
Eve predicted her modern reincarnation, her future marriage, and her plans for her and Satan to destroy God.

Jesus was predicting this, (Eve’s future attempts to destroy God), when He spoke as a 12 year-old boy in The Temple.

Jewish tradition, probably accurate, is that the soul and/or spirit of Eve, reincarnated as Sarah, wife of Abraham and matriarch of the Jewish nation. That reincarnation was aimed at “repentance” and correcting what Eve has done.

There has also been a “dark reincarnation”, or a dark mirror-image of Eve. Think of this as one manifestation of The Great Whore, a dark female energy or spirit that wants to destroy God and, with Satan, then rule the world.

Jesus predicted her reincarnation – it happened in 1958.
Bu, as the New Testament says, t His mother and “step-father” missed the implications and meanings of Jesus’ words.
Jesus’ words related to things that would happen in the lead-up to His Second Coming.

When Maria and Joseph “missed it”, it is no surprise that the modern church knows nothing of these (current) events. These events ARE NOT a prediction, or a claim, that BIThe Second Coming has starte. We “know the season”, but not the hour.

The evil reincarnation of Eve or her evil “doppelganger” is part of “the season”.