The Serpent’s Conversation With Chaiyah (Eve)

Eve’s name changed. She started out as “Chaiyah”, full of life. She joined herself to The Nahash (Serpent) and became Chavah or Havah or Heveh, depending on our pronunciation. That is the name we call Eve. It does and doesn’t really mean Mother of all living. That “title” has been edited slightly. A more accurate rendition is “Mother of all MORTAL Life”. Her partnership with The Serpent made her the “Mother of Death”, the Pandora who opened the box that let out so much evil.

The Serpent got Eve drunk. “It” shared food and wine with her and then seduced her. This is why Jesus instituted the Communion SerThevice, incorporating Bread and Wine. It is the antidote to Eve’s adultery with the Serpent.

The story of humanity is essentially, the story of TWO women especially: Eve the “Mother of Mortality”, and Mariam (Miriam) who gave birth to Jesus.

Human history is the struggle between the “Seed of the Serpent” (Cain’s “Seed”), and the seed of “The Woman”, i.e. those reborn into Life, i.e. Eternal Life as Immortals, the 42 Generation, along with Jesus. Jesus’ physical birth in Matthew’s geneaology, was the 41st generation. Jesus’ resurrection was the being “Born again”, as the 42nd generation.

Noah was the last “full human” on Earth. He was “perfect in his generations”. His wife, Naamah, carried genes from Cain. This is why she is listed in Cain’s descendants. All of Noah’s descendants carry Cain’s genes, some more, some less. .e. through Baptism into Eternal Life.

This is part of the reasons humans NEED to be reborn through water and the Spirit, i

. He is the “Living Bread” that gives eternal life, immortality.

“Welcoming Jesus Into Your Heart”

The modern Evangelical “conversion” by “Inviting Jesus into your heart and making Him ‘Lord of your life’ “, has plenty of nice sentiments in it. But IT IS NOT IN THE BIBLE. It was “invented” by an American Bible Belt preacher at the end of the 1920’s and/or start of the 1930’s.

Nice ideas, and nice sentiments.

BUT IT IS NOT WHAT JESUS SAID. It is what “Man” says! Jesus said “Baptism”. You can add all the nice stuff you want. But Jesus’ Words and Instructions are still #1.

God “Edited” The Serpent’s Words – The English Translation is Misleading

God “cut the Serpent’s words short when He dictated the story to Moses.

“Even if Elohim said . . .”

The English translators either do not understand, or do not like what God says about The Serpent’s “approach” to Eve. So they “fiddle” the translation into English.