The Sword of Moses

The 42 Letter “Sword of Moses”

42 Letters in, or spread across, 12 words. The text/words are verse Exodus 15:11.

Exodus 15:11 Interlinear Text (from Biblehub)

Word Values

50, 85, 73, 26, 50, 85, 255, 406, 257, 835, 375, 111.

Total Value 2608
12 Words
42 Letters

2608 = 163 * 16
38th Prime * 24

38 years crippled & lying
by “The Pool of Bethesda”

The 5-Sided Pool (“5 Porches”)
The Golden Ratio (which is

“built into” the sshape of a Pentagon)

2608 + 12 + 42 = 2662

2662 = 11 * 11 * 11 * 2
The Prime Numbers Sum to 35

The 35th Layer of The Great Pyramid is the “Camelot Later”, linked to the 35th verse of The Torah. That verse is the first time God’s Sacred Tetragrammaton is used in the plain text of The Torah. It is the first time God’s Double Name, value 112, is used in The Torah.

This is part of the link to the 112 Triplets (112 Camelot)

86 26
Total 112

And the 4-Letter Name of God (value 26), above, occurs 1820 times in The Torah. 1820 is the 35th “Chashmal Number”:

Moses, The Magic Cube of 42, Moses’ Sword of 42 Letters, and the 112 Camelot, all linked together in one Torah verse — with The Golden Ratio, Jesus and The Pool of Bethesda, “added in”.

The Hebrew word/name “Chasmal” is regarded as the most mysterious word in the whole Tanakh. It “comes from” The Book of Ezekiel. It is spelled with 4 letters in Hebrew. The two “outher letters” are numerically 8 and 30. The Gospel description of the man lying crippled by The Pool of Bethesda, says that he had beeen there “30 and 8” years.

The word Chashmal has the value 378, the same as the total of the 27 letters in “God’s Magic Cube of 42”. That value 378 is half the length in feet (756) of the Base of The Great Pyramid. (The Southern Base is 756 Feet and 3 inches long.)