Eshet Chayil (Hebrew version)

The Ideal Wife (Woman/Wife of Valour-Life-Strength-Power-Virtue)

Proverbs 31: 10 – 31

22 verses, one for each letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. The first Letters of each verse are the 22 Letters of the Aleph-Bet (Alphabet) in Alphabetical order.

Without The Verse Numbers – Showing/Emphasising the Alphabetical Ordering of The First Letters:

Wisdom, Understanding & Knowledge: The Female Mind

The ideas/concepts that underpin this (above) passage from Proverbs, stretch (literally) from “A to Z”, or more accurately from Aleph to Tau.

The Tau, value 400, is a link to the 8 measures of Knowledge a woman is designed/intended to have as part of her home. The Nun (value 50) is a “clue” to those 8 measures of Knowledge, some inherited from her mother, some that she builds with her husband, or, more accurately, in the verbal (A to Z) exchange of ideas, concepts, thinking etc with her husband. Communication is the key.

Modern society, our media, education, and our churches, thend to block this communication between male and female. We tend to communicate with both male and female TOGETHER from the podium, the pulpit and the TV screen. We deprive couples of their intended and necessary communication. Both sexes become spiritually “malnourished” as a result.

The Holy of Holies in the Temple is regarded as being female. The woman is the builder and custodian of her family’s and her home’s Knowledge. The Nun (50) is the central sound in the word Binah (Understanding). The word Binah relates to both Understanding and Building.
Christianity used the Fish symbol in its early days. The symbol has become popular again, but without the awareness of the links between the Fish, Binah, “building”, and Knowledge built from the fusion of BOTH Male and Female Input.

The “agenda” to break that Male-Female cooperation drives parts of modern education, modern feminism and the selection of teachers. Across most of the western world, male teachers are becoming a thing of the past. The (human) male input into building Knowledge, children and a home is something that has been a “target” since Eden. The Serpent became Eve’s “Guru”. The Serpent wanted to marginalise Adam’s (the human male’s) input into the building of home, knowledge, children and family.

When Jesus rose from the grave, Mary called Him “Rabboni”. She was not speaking some dialect of “mangled Aramaic” that meant Rabbi.
She called Jesus “Master Builder”. Christianity was intended to be, very much so, about restoring the co-operation between male and female.

Modern feminism has some things right. But some of modern feminism has NOTHING to do with women being happy or fulfilled. The agenda is purely about hatred of the human male, and separating him from his children, and from his wife. The motive is the Serpent/Devil’s hatred for humanity, especially for human males.

The first target is the “father”. The next target is the mother – the agenda is to remove the children from the mother as well, to make the children “wards of the state”. The agenda is, plain and simple, Satanic.

The initial Satanic attack on humanity came through or at Eve, at the female side.

We NEED Godly women, who KNOW the Word(s) of God and the Technology they hold. A woman who knows (like many “Church women” what she THINKS it says is in the same situation as Eve. She misquotes the Word. And the Satan defeats her, harming her, her hfamily, her husband and her children.

See future posts re how different the male and female minds are, and why/how we can use that to build happier and better homes, where a good-Godly woman truly is, as intended, “Queen of her home”, Queen of her husband’s heart.

Chinese Version of The Eshet Chayil

See this website for a Chinese version (traditional characters) of The Eshet Chayil.