English (European-Roman) Alphabet Gematria Code

This is the code used on The Great Seal of The United States. It comes from Cornelius Agrippa and his Three Books of Ceremonial Magic.

E Pluribus Unum

In this code, “E Pluribus” represents:

5 60 20 200 80 9 2 200 90

Those numbers total 666.

The intent of The US Founding Fathers was not necessarily evil. The 666 is part of the “One Verse” or Uni-Verse program, Genesis 1:1.

The word “Unum” is code for “200 40 200 30”. These numbers sum to 470, the value of the First words that God says in the Bible, i.e. the words spoken in Verse 3. Those word are usually translated into English as “Let there be Light” and there was Light”. But they can just as validly be translated as :

Let there be Light and Let There Be Light

In other words there are two types of light being created, Light and Reflected Light, Light and Dark, or Yin and Yang etc. The “Light-Dark “thing” makes more sense of verse 4 than the standard translation.

The value of the words is 470.